Comment on the translation:
{NAME} [IVT_UI_Map_Scale] \ r \ n <color = # 00ffff>
It's words which enclosed in {} [] <> and special characters with a backslash leave without translation and in their semantic places
Key | Original value | English (Corrected) | Spanish | French | German | Chinese |
GUI_NotForCurrentShip | "For another ship type", | "Not available for current ship type", | "Für aktuellen Schiffstyp nicht verfügbar", | |||
Geologist_Raglor | "Geologist Baz Dokuchaev", | "Geologist Baz Dokuchaev", | "Geologe Baz Dokuchaev", | |||
Passenger_Hardmaterialmining | "Erik Lunch", | "Erik Lunch", | ||||
malfunction_radar_prewarning_text | "Dangerous emissions at this altitude!\r\nRadar failure likely.", | "Dangerous radiation levels at this altitude!\r\nRadar failure imminent.", | "Gefährliche Strahlungswerte in dieser Höhe!\r \nRadarversagen steht unmittelbar bevor.", | |||
quest_raglor_next_phase_1 | "{Say}Hey, it's Frank.\r\nCome back to the {Quest}base{/Quest}, I have a job for you.{/Say}", | "{Say}Hey, hier ist Frank.\r\nKomm zurück zur {Quest} Basis {/Quest}, ich habe einen Job für dich. {/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_next_phase_2 | "{Say}Hey, it's Frank. I wanted to let you know that construction is in full swing...\r\nYou know, this is the biggest project I've ever worked on. Thanks for your help.{/Say}", | "{Say}Hey, hier ist Frank. Ich wollte dich wissen lassen, dass die Bauarbeiten in vollem Gange sind ...\r\nWeißt du, dies ist das größte Projekt, an dem ich je gearbeitet habe. Danke für deine Hilfe. {/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_next_phase_3 | "{Say}Hello buddy, how's it going?\r\nConstruction is moving fast. \r\nHoly sh~~\r\n*Interference*\r\n*Connection is cutting off*\r\n{/Say}", | "{Say}Hello buddy, how's it going?\r\nWe're making good progress. \r\nHoly sh~~\r\n*Interference*\r\n*Connection lost*\r\n{/Say}", | "{Say}Hallo Kumpel, wie geht es dir? \r\nWir machen gute Fortschritte.\r\nHoly sh ~~ \r\n* Interferenz* \r\n *Verbindung unterbrochen* \r\n{/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_final_phase | "{Say}Hey, it's Frank. We've completed construction... *Siren blaring*\r\nI don't know what's going on, but all workers and civilians are being evacuated from the base... *Interference*\r\n*Connection is cutting off*{/Say}", | "{Say}Hey, it's Frank. We've completed the project... *Siren blaring*\r\nI don't know what's going on, but all workers and civilians are being evacuated from the base... *Interference*\r\n*Connection lost*{/Say}", | "{Say}Hey, hier ist Frank. Wir haben das Projekt abgeschlossen... *Sirene dröhnt*\r\nIch weiß nicht, was los ist, aber alle Arbeiter und Zivilisten werden aus der Basis evakuiert ... *Interferenz* \r\n*Verbindung unterbrochen*{/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_radar_delivery_1 | "{Say}The authorities instructed me to install radars around the perimeter of the base. {Quest}These things{/Quest} are f-ing heavy, could you help me to deliver the materials to the construction site?{/Say}", | "{Say}The authorities instructed me to set up radars around the perimeter of the base. {Quest}These things{/Quest} are f-ing heavy, could you help me deliver the materials to the construction sites?{/Say}", | "{Say}Die Behörden haben mich angewiesen, Radargeräte im Umkreis der Basis aufzustellen. {Quest}Diese Dinger{/Quest} sind schwer, könnten Sie mir helfen, die Materialien auf die Baustellen zu bringen?{/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_radar_delivery_3 | "{Say}Hmm ...Why do they need that many radars..?\r\nWell, our business is simple - they pay us, we work.{/Say}", | "{Say}Hmm ...Why do they need so many radars..?\r\nWhatever, our business is simple - they pay us, we work.{/Say}", | "{Say}Hmm ... Warum brauchen die so viele Radargeräte ...?\r \nWas auch immer, unser Geschäft ist einfach - sie bezahlen uns, wir arbeiten.{/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_radar_delivery_3_answer1 | "{Say}So, no one knows what they're for?{/Say}", | "{Say}Also weiß niemand, wofür sie sind?{/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_radar_delivery_3_Say2 | "{Say}The authorities keep everything secret, but to be honest it worries me. And I'm not the only one. Among the workers there are various rumors, including a possible alien invasion....{/Say}", | "{Say}The authorities keep everything secret, to be honest it worries me, and I'm not the only one. Rumors are spreading among the workers, some even say it's the beginning of an alien invasion....{/Say}", | "{Say}Die Behörden halten alles geheim, um ehrlich zu sein, es macht mir Sorgen, und ich bin nicht der Einzige. Gerüchte verbreiten sich unter den Arbeitern, einige sagen sogar, es sei der Beginn einer außerirdischen Invasion... {/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_biggun_cargo_delivery | "{Say}{Quest}Coordinates{/Quest} of the pendulum's location received.{/Say}", | "{Say}Pendulum {Quest}coordinates{/Quest} received.{/Say}", | "{Say}Pendel {Quest} Koordinaten{/Quest} erhalten.{/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_delivery_complete_1 | "{Say}Great! Building materials for the first radar in place. Go back to the base for the next cargo.\r\nBy the way, do not worry about payment. As soon as you deliver all the materials, I'll transfer the credits to your account.{/Say}", | "{Say}Great! Materials for the first radar are in place. Go back to the base for the next one.\r\nBy the way, do not worry about payment. As soon as you deliver all the parts, I'll transfer the credits to your account.{/Say}", | "{Sag}Großartig! Die Materialien für das erste Radar sind vorhanden. Fliegen Sie zur Basis zurück, um das Nächste zu erhalten.\r\nMachen Sie sich übrigens keine Sorgen wegen der Bezahlung. Sobald Sie alle Teile geliefert haben, werde ich die Credits auf Ihr Konto übertragen.{/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_delivery_complete_2 | "{Say}Ok, cargo is in place. Come back for the last one.{/Say}", | "{Say}Ok, die Fracht ist an Ort und Stelle. Kommen Sie zurück für die Letzte. {/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_delivery_complete_3 | "{Say}Great, all the materials are delivered. Now I will transfer {System}20000 cr{/System} to your account.\r\nMeanwhile, you can help us with construction, just bring the necessary goods. Good luck!{/Say}", | "{Say}Great, everything has been delivered. I will now transfer {System}20000 cr{/System} to your account.\r\nMeanwhile, you can help us with the construction, just bring us the necessary goods. Good luck!{/Say}", | "{Say}Großartig, alles wurde geliefert. Ich werde jetzt {System}20000 cr{/System} auf Ihr Konto übertragen.\r\nIn der Zwischenzeit können Sie uns beim Bau helfen, bringen Sie uns einfach die notwendigen Waren. Viel Glück!{/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_delivery_complete_4 | "{Say}Thank you, my friend. Take {System}10000 cr{/System}. See ya.{/Say}", | "{Say} Danke, mein Freund. Nimm {System}10000 cr{/System}. Bis dann.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_biggun_heavy_cargo | "{Say}Hey, our counter-pendulum transmission broke, the entire structure might not hold up. Help me to deliver a {Quest}new transmission{/Quest} to the upper part of the structure. You will be paid well.{/Say}", | "{Say}Hey, our counter-pendulum transmission broke, the entire structure may not hold up. Help me lift a {Quest}new transmission{/Quest} to the upper part of the structure. You will be paid well.{/Say}", | "{Say}Hey, unser Gegenpendel-Getriebe ist kaputt gegangen, die gesamte Struktur hält möglicherweise nicht. Hilf mir, ein {Quest}neues Getriebe{/ Quest} in den oberen Teil der Struktur zu heben. Du wirst gut bezahlt. {/Say}", | |||
Radar_materials1 | "Building materials for radar", | "Baumaterial für Radargerät", | ||||
Radar_position | "Deliver materials here", | "Material hier abladen", | ||||
Biggun_Cargo | "Cargo with transmission", | "New transmission", | "Neues Getriebe", | |||
Heavy_Cargo_possition | "Deliver the new transmission here", | "Neues Getriebe hier abladen", | ||||
quest_astlan_main_buy_2.2_complete_Say2 | "{Say}Well, Evoire is another mining colony planet. They're practically our neighbors{/Say}", | "{Say}Nun, Evoire ist ein weiterer Planet der Bergbaukolonie. Sie sind praktisch unsere Nachbarn{/Say}", | ||||
quest_astlan_main_egg | "{Say}Hey. I'm sure you know that similar biological samples are very in demand. The nearest research laboratory is at the {Quest}Bora{/Quest} station.{/Say}", | "{Say}Hey. I'm sure you know that biological samples like these are very in demand. The nearest research laboratory is at the {Quest}Bora{/Quest} station.{/Say}", | "{Say}Hey! Ich bin sicher, Sie wissen, dass solche biologischen Proben sehr gefragt sind. Das nächste Forschungslabor befindet sich in der Station {Quest}Bora{/Quest}. {/Say}", | |||
GUI_MapWindow_IconCityTemplate_BuyPanel_ShipsHeader | "Stored Ships", | "Geparkte Schiffe", | ||||
quest_astlan_main_buy_2.2_complete | "{Say}The first priority cargo is accepted. I understand you are a friend of Mr. Palm? Great. It's not as bad as Evoire, but rations are in great demand here. Bring more rations and we'll buy them for a great price.{/Say}", | "{Say}The high priority cargo has been signed for. I understand you are a friend of Mr. Palm? Great. It's not as bad as Evoire, but rations are in great demand here. Bring more rations and we'll buy them for a high price.{/Say}", | "{Say}Die Fracht mit hoher Priorität wurde übergeben. Sie sind ein Freund von Mr. Palm? Großartig. Hier ist es nicht so schlimm wie auf Evoire, aber Rationen sind hier sehr gefragt. Bringen Sie mehr Rationen und wir kaufen sie zu einem hohen Preis. {/Say}", | |||
quest_astlan_main_passenger_3.1_complete | "{System}The passenger is on board, Captain.\r\nYou can close the hatch {System}[IVT_Ship_Cargo_OpenClose]{/System} and go.{/System}", | "{System}The passenger is on board, Captain.\r\nYou may close the hatch {System}[IVT_Ship_Cargo_OpenClose]{/System} and take off.{/System}", | "{System}Der Passagier ist an Bord, Kapitän.\r\nSie können die Luke schließen {System}[IVT_Ship_Cargo_OpenClose]{/System} aund abheben.{/System}", | |||
quest_astlan_main_1_complete | "{Say}Great, you've arrived. My name is Palm, I'm the director of Green Way. We provide assistance for customs and related logistics.\r\nI have a job for you! But first, align your ship with the markings on the loading zone.{/Say}", | "{Sag}Großartig, Sie sind angekommen. Mein Name ist Palm, ich bin der Direktor von Green Way. Wir bieten Unterstützung für den Zoll und die damit verbundene Logistik. \r\nIch habe einen Job für Sie! Aber richten Sie zuerst Ihr Schiff zu den Markierungen auf der Ladezone aus.{/Say}", | ||||
Pickup_VIP_Passenger | "V.I.P. passenger", | "V.I.P. Passagier", | ||||
quest_astlan_main_passenger_7.2_failed | "{Say}Passenger crashed. Mission failed.{/Say}", | "{Say}Passagier abgestürzt. Mission fehlgeschlagen.{/Say}", | ||||
Crushed_Pilot | "Nick Kein", | "Nick Kein", | ||||
Rewired_swap | "Switch", | "Schalter", | ||||
HUD_Passengers_WaitingForDeliveryClear | "<b>{NPC_MapName}</b> On board", | "<b>{NPC_MapName}</b> An Board", | ||||
Return_to_Another_base | "Route destination", | "Routenziel", | ||||
Message_ShipCrash | "You received a ship similar to yours with identical equipment. {SUM} credits has been deducted from your account as payment for insurance. Your money will be donated to the Federal Colonies Support Program.", | "You received a ship similar to yours with identical equipment. {SUM} credits has been deducted from your account. Your money will be donated to the Federal Colonies Support Program.", | "Sie haben ein ähnliches Schiff mit identischer Ausrüstung erhalten. {SUM} Credits wurden von Ihrem Konto abgebucht. Ihr Geld wird an das Unterstützungsprogramm der Bundeskolonien gespendet.", | |||
quest_raglor_main_4.1_complete | "{Say}Thank you for the flight. A pleasure to work with a professional. Hopefully compensation of {System}25000 cr{/System} will allow me to count on the confidentiality of the route and objectives of our flight!{/Say}", | "{Say}Thank you for the flight. A pleasure to work with a professional. Hopefully a compensation of {System}25000 cr{/System} will allow me to count on the confidentiality of the route and objectives of our flight!{/Say}", | "{Say}Danke für den Flug. Es ist mir eine Freude, mit einem Profi zusammenzuarbeiten. Hoffentlich kann ich mit einer Vergütung von {System}25000 cr{/System} darauf zählen, dass Grund und Route dieses Fluges vertraulich bleiben! {/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_main_2.2_complete | "{Say}Sorry, Captain. I have confusing data perhaps the person I was looking for has already left the CargoSpaceway.{/Say}", | "{Say}Sorry, Captain, there has been some confusion. It seems the person I was looking for has already left the CargoSpaceway.{/Say}", | "{Say}Entschuldigung, Kapitän, es gab einigen Irrtum. Es scheint, dass die Person, die ich gesucht habe, den CargoSpaceway bereits verlassen hat. {/Say}", | |||
search_field | "search area", | "Suchbereich"; | ||||
quest_geo_north_Mining_Scanner_Transport_1_complete | "Excellent! Scanner is on.", | "Excellent! The scanner is on.", | "Ausgezeichnet! Der Scanner ist eingeschaltet.", | |||
Container_mining_zond_quest | "Scanner", | "Scanner", | ||||
crush_zone_icon_text | "search object", | "Suchobjekt", | ||||
Survival_Capsule | "rescue capsule", | "Rettungskapsel", | ||||
delivery_point | "installation site", | "Installationsort", | ||||
quest_missing_pilot_geologicalstation_north_found_ship_corpuse_answer1 | "Is there anything else?", | "Gibt es noch etwas?", | ||||
quest_missing_pilot_geologicalstation_north_found_ship_corpuse_answer0 | "Roger that.", | "Verstanden", | ||||
quest_geo_north_Mining_Scanner_Transport_1_dialog_answer1 | "Thank you, but I did not understand... What exactly should I do?", | "Thank you, but I do not understand... What exactly should I do?", | "Danke, aber ich verstehe nicht ... Was genau soll ich tun?", | |||
quest_geo_north_Mining_Scanner_Transport_1_dialog_answer0 | "OK, thanks.", | "OK, danke", | ||||
OxFuelTankIntExtendor | "Internal batteries \"Super Nova\"\r\n", | "Interne Batterien \"Super Nova\"\r\n", | ||||
Passenger_Hardmaterialmining_TakeMe | "Captain, are you ready to take me on board?", | "Kapitän, sind Sie bereit, mich an Bord zu nehmen?", | ||||
Passenger_Hardmaterialmining_TakeMePlease | "Captain, I still need a transfer. Maybe now is a good time?", | "Captain, I still need a ride. Maybe now is a good time?", | "Kapitän, ich brauche noch einen Tranfer. Vielleicht ist jetzt eine guter Zeitpunkt?", | |||
Passenger_Hardmaterialmining_Ready | "I am ready, we can take off.", | "Ich bin startklar.", | ||||
Passenger_Hardmaterialmining_WrongCity | "Captain ... we are not at the destination point. Should I get out?", | "Kapitän... wir sind nicht an meinem Ziel. Soll ich aussteigen?", | ||||
Passenger_Hardmaterialmining_Complete | "See you, Captain.", | "Auf Wiedersehen, Kapitän.", | ||||
quest_raglor_main_2.1_complete | "{Say}Captain, I have just been informed that a man from the colonial subsoil committee with whom I have an appointment is preparing for departure. Looks like we need to hurry.{/Say}", | "{Say}Kapitän, ich wurde gerade informiert, dass sich ein Mann aus dem kolonialen Untergrundkomitee, mit dem ich einen Termin habe, auf die Abreise vorbereitet. Sieht so aus, als müssten wir uns beeilen.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_main_3.1_open | "{Say}Yes, it was confirmed. The commissar left the CargoSpaceway on a personal shuttle just a few minutes ago. The {Quest}coordinates{/Quest} are loaded, maybe we can catch him up.{/Say}", | "{Say}Yes, it was confirmed. The commissioner left the CargoSpaceway on a personal shuttle just a few minutes ago. The {Quest}coordinates{/Quest} have been updated on your map, maybe we can catch up with him.{/Say}", | "{Say} Ja, es wurde bestätigt. Der Kommissar hat den CargoSpaceway vor wenigen Minuten mit einem persönlichen Shuttle verlassen. Die {Quest} Koordinaten{/Quest} wurden auf Ihrer Karte aktualisiert, vielleicht können wir ihn einholen.{/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_main_3.1_complete | "{Say}Captain. Sensors report interception of encrypted message at atypical frequencies. Data analysis is impossible.{/Say}", | "{Say}Kapitän. Sensoren melden das Abfangen verschlüsselter Nachrichten bei atypischen Frequenzen. Datenanalyse ist nicht möglich.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_main_2.1_open | "{Say}Good afternoon, Captain. I have an appointment on a {Quest}CargoSpaceway{/Quest} so I need a transfer.{/Say}", | "{Say}Good afternoon, Captain. I have an appointment on {Quest}CargoSpaceway{/Quest} so I need a transfer.{/Say}", | "{Say}Guten Tag, Kapitän. Ich habe einen Termin auf {Quest} CargoSpaceway {/ Quest}, also brauche ich einen Transfer. {/Say}", | |||
challenge_livermoriummining_south_Open | "Hi, we are recruiting only the craziest pilots! If you want to get a contract then fly through the radar towers!", | "Hi, wir rekrutieren nur die verrücktesten Piloten! Wenn Sie einen Vertrag erhalten möchten, fliegen Sie durch die Radartürme!", | ||||
quest_geo_north_Pilot_Rescue_3_dialog_answer0 | "But now that everything is ok, we will be there soon.", | "Aber jetzt wo alles in Ordnung ist, werden wir bald da sein.", | ||||
quest_missing_pilot_geologicalstation_north | "Attention! {Say} In the area of the Northern Gorge a pilot has gone missing. Initially the ship’s signal was lost then the beacon of the rescue capsule stopped working. Last known coordinates received.{/Say}", | "Attention! {Say} A pilot has gone missing at the Northern Gorge region. After the ship’s signal was lost, the beacon of the rescue capsule also stopped transmitting. The missing ship's last known coordinates have been updated on your map.{/Say}", | "Achtung! {Say} In der Region Northern Gorge ist ein Pilot verschwunden. Nachdem das Schiffssignal verloren gegangen war, wurde auch das Leuchtfeuer der Rettungskapsel nicht mehr gesendet. Die letzten bekannten Koordinaten des fehlenden Schiffes wurden auf Ihrer Karte aktualisiert. {/Say}", | |||
quest_missing_pilot_geologicalstation_north_found_ship_corpuse | "{Say}Captain, black box data received. Preliminary analysis the pilot lost control after a sharp deterioration in weather conditions.{/Say}", | "{Say}Black box data received, Captain. Preliminary analysis indicates the pilot lost control after a sudden deterioration of weather conditions.{/Say}", | "{Say}Black-Box-Daten empfangen, Kapitän. Vorläufige Analyse zeigt, dass der Pilot nach einer plötzlichen Verschlechterung der Wetterbedingungen die Kontrolle verloren hat. {/Say}", | |||
quest_geo_north_Pilot_Rescue_2_open_search_capsule | "{Say}Captain. Based on ship data, latest capsule signals and MCC analytics, the search area of the rescue capsule has been calculated.{/Say}", | "{Say}Captain, based on ship data, latest capsule signals and MCC analytics, the search area of the rescue capsule has been recalculated.{/Say}", | "{Say}Kapitän, basierend auf Schiffsdaten, neuesten Kapselsignalen und MCC-Analysen, wurde der Suchbereich der Rettungskapsel neu berechnet. {/Say}", | |||
quest_missing_pilot_geologicalstation_north_found_skat_corpuse | "{Say}Captain, sensors indicate a massive alien body inside the skate. It is probably the rescue capsule.{/Say}", | "{Say}Captain, sensors indicate a massive foreign body inside the stingray. It is probably the rescue capsule.{/Say}", | "{Say}Kapitän, Sensoren zeigen einen massiven Fremdkörper im Stachelrochen an. Es ist wahrscheinlich die Rettungskapsel.{/Say}", | |||
quest_geo_north_Pilot_Rescue_2_complete | "{Say}Thank you! Looks like you hooked the capsule out of the ramp?! \r\nDamn! I can't get out. \r\nEverything is stuck here and the hatch is jammed. Take me to the base. \r\nThey will help!{/Say}", | "{Say}Thank you! I am safely onboard! \r\nDamn! I can't get out. \r\nEverything is stuck here and the hatch is jammed. Take me to the base. \r\nThey can help!{/Say}", | "{Say}Danke! Ich bin sicher an Bord! \r\nVerdammt! Ich kann nicht raus. \r\nAlles klemmt hier fest und die Luke ist blockiert. Bring mich zur Basis. \r\nSie können helfen! {/Say}", | |||
quest_geo_north_Pilot_Rescue_3_complete | "{Say}Thanks captain! We will get the pilot out of that thing!{/Say}", | "{Say}Danke Kapitän! Wir werden den Piloten aus dem Ding herausholen! {/Say}", | ||||
quest_geo_north_Mining_Scanner_Transport_1_open | "{Say}In gratitude I would like to pass you a contract for the Northern Gorge. There is preliminary data about the new field. But a final scan is required.\r\n If it's confirmed, there will be a new mine. And great contracts for you. Thanks and good luck.\r\nI'm leaving this shitty place!{/Say}", | "{Say}As thanks, I would like to pass to you a contract for the Northern Gorge. There is preliminary data about a new mineral field, but a final scan is still required.\r\n If it's confirmed, a new mine will be built there, and that means juicy contracts for you. Thanks again and good luck.\r\nAs for me, I'm getting the hell out of this dump!{/Say}", | "{Say}Als Dankeschön möchte ich Ihnen einen Vertrag für die Nordschlucht übergeben. Es gibt vorläufige Daten zu einem neuen Mineralfeld, aber ein endgültiger Scan ist noch erforderlich. \r\n Sollte sich das bestätigen wird dort eine neue Mine gebaut und das bedeutet saftige Verträge für Sie. Nochmals vielen Dank und viel Glück. \r\nIch sehe zu, dass ich hier verschwinde! {/ Say} ", | |||
quest_geo_north_city_phase_1_complete | "{Say}Preliminary data confirmed! Congratulations buddy, you are the founder of a new colony. But jokes aside, there will be especially great contracts for you. And we will need materials and people to build and develop the mine.{/Say}", | "{Say}Mineral field data confirmed! Congratulations buddy, you are the founder of a new colony. Jokes aside, there will be great contracts in store for you. We will also need materials and people to build and develop the mine.{/Say}", | "{Say} Mineralfelddaten bestätigt! Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Kumpel, Du bist der Gründer einer neuen Kolonie. Spaß beiseite, es werden großartige Verträge für dich auf Lager sein. Wir werden auch Materialien und Leute brauchen, um die Mine zu bauen und zu entwickeln. {/Say}", | |||
quest_missing_pilot_geologicalstation_north_found_ship_corpuse_Say2 | "{Say}There are slight traces of atypical spectrum irradiation. Analytics not available.{/Say}", | "{Say}Detected slight traces of abnormal spectrum irradiation. Analysis not available.{/Say}", | "{Say} Es wurden leichte Spuren abnormaler Spektrumbestrahlung festgestellt. Analyse nicht verfügbar. {/Say}", | |||
quest_geo_north_Pilot_Rescue_3_dialog | "{Say}Do you see what kind of crap happened to me!? They shoot me down! Stingray eats my capsule and at the same time, its fried from the inside!{/Say}", | "{Say}Did you see what kind of crap happened to me?! They shot me down! Then that stingray ate my capsule and it got fried from the inside!{/Say}", | "{Say} Hast du gesehen, was für ein Mist mit mir passiert ist ?! Sie haben mich abgeschossen! Dann hat dieser Stachelrochen meine Kapsel gefressen was das Vieh von innen gebraten hat! {/Say}" | |||
quest_geo_north_Pilot_Rescue_3_dialog_answer1 | "Shot down? Come on, everything shows that you just bounced off a mountain!\r\n", | "Abgeschossen? Komm schon, alles deutet darauf hin, dass du gerade von einem Berg abgeprallt bist! \r\n", | ||||
quest_geo_north_Pilot_Rescue_3_dialog_Say2 | "{Say}I flew for two years in an Ox v2 in war zones so I can distinguish \"bounced off\" from shot down! Hm... peaceful place... We should get the fuck out of here!{/Say}", | "{Say}I flew an Ox v2 for two years in war zones so I can distinguish \"bouncing off\" from being shot down! So much for a peaceful place.... We should get the fuck out when we still can!{/Say}", | "{Say} Ich habe zwei Jahre lang einen Ox v2 in Kriegsgebieten geflogen. Ich kann \"Abprallen\" von Abschießen unterscheiden! Soviel zu einem friedlichen Ort ... Wir sollten verdammt noch mal raus, solange wir noch können!{/Say}", | |||
quest_geo_north_Mining_Scanner_Transport_1_dialog | "{Say}So, I am leaving. Probably this contract with North Gorge would be of interest to you. There is preliminary data about the new field. But a final scan is required. If it's confirmed, there will be a new mine. And great contracts for you.{/Say}", | "{Say}So, I am leaving. Probably this contract with North Gorge would be of interest to you. There is preliminary data about a new mineral field, but a final scan is still required. If it's confirmed, a new mine will be built there, and that means juicy contracts for you. {/Say}", | "{Say} Also, ich gehe. Wahrscheinlich wäre dieser Vertrag mit North Gorge für Sie von Interesse. Es gibt vorläufige Daten über ein neues Mineralfeld, aber ein endgültiger Scan ist noch erforderlich. Wenn dies bestätigt wird, wird es eine neue Mine dort gebaut, und das bedeutet saftige Verträge für Sie. {/Say}", | |||
quest_geo_north_Mining_Scanner_Transport_1_dialog_Say2 | "{Say}It's simple you need to install a geo-scanner as shown on the map. The device can be bought or the one I had on board might working. It should be somewhere next to the wreckage.{/Say}", | "{Say}It's simple: you need to place a geo-scanner at the location as shown on the map. It can be bought or the one I had on board might still work. It should be somewhere next to the wreckage.{/Say}", | "{Say} Es ist ganz einfach: Du musst einen Geoscanner an der auf der Karte angegebenen Stelle platzieren. Er kann gekauft werden oder der, den ich an Bord hatte, funktioniert möglicherweise noch. Er sollte sich irgendwo neben dem Wrack befinden. {/Say}", | |||
quest_raglor_materials_delivery | "{Say}Loading building materials. {Quest}Flight data{/Quest} received.{/Say}", | "{Say} Laden von Baumaterialien. {Quest}Flugdaten{/Quest} empfangen. {/Say}", | ||||
quest_Contraband_Cargo_1_greeting | "Welcome! M&T received a report of criminal activity on the base. Find and eliminate smuggled goods.", | "Welcome! M&T received reports of criminal activity at the base. Find and confiscate all smuggled goods.", | "Willkommen! M&T hat Berichte über kriminelle Aktivitäten an der Basis erhalten. Finden und beschlagnahmen Sie alle geschmuggelten Waren.", | |||
quest_Contraband_Cargo_1_greeting_ME_yes | "Tell me more.", | "Erzähl mir mehr.", | ||||
quest_Contraband_Cargo_1_greeting_ME_no | "On it.", | "Bin dabei". | ||||
quest_Contraband_Cargo_1_greeting_NPC_yes | "There are many reports of criminal activity. We connect it with the notorious criminal Cable's arrival on Raglor. M&T has asked you to find and hand over illegal goods hidden on their base. Presumably, there should be 3 cargos of contraband.", | "Recently, there are many reports of criminal activity. We believe they are connected with the notorious criminal Cable's arrival on Raglor. M&T has asked you to find and hand over illegal goods hidden at their base. According to our sources, there should be 3 containers of contraband.", | "In letzter Zeit gibt es viele Berichte über kriminelle Aktivitäten. Wir glauben, dass sie mit der Ankunft des berüchtigten kriminellen Cable auf Raglor zusammenhängen. M&T hat Sie gebeten, illegale Waren zu finden und zu übergeben, die an ihrer Basis versteckt sind. Laut unseren Quellen sollten es 3 Behälter mit Schmuggelware sein.", | |||
quest_Contraband_Cargo_1_greeting_NPC_no | "Fine. The criminals hid three illegal containers on M&T. Find and take them to the loading area.", | "Right. The criminals hid 3 illegal containers on M&T. Find and take them to the loading area.", | "Richtig. Die Kriminellen haben 3 illegale Container auf M&T versteckt. Finde sie und bringe sie zur Ladefläche.", | |||
product_Contraband_Cargo | "Illegal goods", | "Illegale Waren", | ||||
Container_Contraband_Cargo | "Smuggling", | "Schmuggel", | ||||
Contraband_Cargo | "Smuggling", | "Schmuggel", | ||||
product_Contraband_Cargo_descr | "Goods are illegal. Base employees are notified of your credentials problems with security services will not occur.", | "Illegal goods. Base employees have been notified of your mission, you will have no problems with the security services.", | "Illegale Waren. Basismitarbeiter wurden über Ihre Mission informiert, Sie werden keine Probleme mit dem Sicherheitsdienst haben.", | |||
quest_Contraband_Cargo_2_complete | "Citizen! The corporation reported that they received all suspicious goods. Congratulations, your payment is on the way to your account.", | "Citizen! The corporation reports they have received all the suspicious goods. Congratulations, your payment is on the way to your account.", | "Bürger! Das Unternehmen berichtet, dass es alle verdächtigen Waren erhalten hat. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Ihre Zahlung ist auf dem Weg zu Ihrem Konto.", | |||
quest_Contraband_Cargo_2_greeting | "Did you find the first box? Deliver and sell it at the landing zone as if it were a regular good.", | "Did you find the first box? Deliver and sell it at the landing zone as if it was a regular good.", | "Haben Sie die erste Kiste gefunden? Liefern und verkaufen Sie sie in der Landezone, als wäre es ein normales Gut." | |||
quest_canyon_10_1_invite | "Captain, over. This is Julia! I have a very important task for you. Fly to Canyon-Central.", | "Captain. This is Julia! I have a very important task for you. Fly to Canyon-Central.", | "Kapitän. Hier ist Julia! Ich habe eine sehr wichtige Aufgabe für Sie. Fliegen Sie nach Canyon-Central.", | |||
quest_canyon_10_1_greeting | "Captain! Ready for a long trip to Astlan? And yes, you will need a passenger compartment.", | "Captain! Ready for a long trip to Astlan? And yes, you will need the VIP compartment.", | "Kapitän! Bereit für eine lange Reise nach Astlan? Und ja, Sie brauchen das VIP-Abteil.", | |||
quest_canyon_10_1_ME_yes | "What's on your mind?", | "Was haben Sie auf dem Herzen?", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_1_ME_no | "I'm leaving. Tell me on the way.", | "I'm leaving. Tell me along the way.", | "Ich gehe. Sag es mir auf dem Weg.", | |||
quest_canyon_10_1_NPC_yes | "I reported to the board of directors about finding the livermorium deposits. I lied, of course. But the board member is already on the way to the spaceport. One of the Kapu Inc chiefs is on the way too - Julia's work. Oh, and I completely forgot - visit the hangar. You will find a present there.", | "I reported to the board of directors about finding livermorium deposits. I lied, of course. But a board member is already on the way to the spaceport. One of the Kapu Inc's heads is on the way too - Julia's work. Oh, and I completely forgot - visit the hangar. You will find a present there.", | "Ich habe dem Aufsichtsrat über das Auffinden von Livermorium-Lagerstätten berichtet. Ich habe natürlich gelogen. Aber ein Boardmitglied ist bereits auf dem Weg zum Raumhafen. Einer der Köpfe der Kapu Inc ist auch unterwegs - Julias Arbeit. Oh, und Ich habe völlig vergessen - besuchen Sie den Hangar. Dort finden Sie ein Geschenk. ", | |||
quest_canyon_10_1_NPC_no | "Do not rush. Before you go visit the hangar at Canyon-Central, install a couple of upgrades at our expense.", | "Do not rush. Before you go, visit the hangar at Canyon-Central and install a couple of upgrades at our expense.", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_1_complete | "If you destroy such big cones, you and I will be taken out of the ground and buried in it. A reliable passenger compartment for the Ox or Ballena has not been invented yet. But scientists invented this device! Well, good luck.", | "If anything happens to these people, you and I will be taken outside and buried in the ground. Alive. A reliable passenger compartment for the Ox or Ballena has not been invented yet. So this is all we have! Good luck.", | ||||
Canyon_Horacio | "Horacio ", | |||||
Canyon_Clarence | "Clarence Wright", | |||||
quest_canyon_10_1_reminder | "Captain, this is a matter of urgency. I am begging you, please install all the necessary modifications and fly. Let me remind you - you need improved wings and a passenger compartment.", | "Captain, this is urgent business. I am begging you, please install all the necessary modifications and fly. Let me remind you - you will need improved wings and a VIP compartment.", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_2_greeting | "Captain, did Romulo update you? Well .. Behave naturally, politely but confidently. The best not to let our precious chiefs to cross, but it's no other way.", | "Captain, did Romulo update you? Well... just behave naturally, be polite and confident. It was best not to let our precious chiefs come across each other, but there's no other way.", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_2_complete | "Are you a taxi? And what took so long? Romulo, you arriviste, get ready for rebuke! And you - hurry up!", | "Are you our ride? What took you so long? Romulo, you arriviste, when I get there I am going to tear you a new one! And you - hurry it up!", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_2_complete_1 | "Mr. Wright? What a pleasant surprise to see you outside your mansion. What forced you to leave your place?", | "Mr. Wright? What a pleasant surprise to see you outside your mansion. What made you leave your place?", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_2_complete_2 | "A terrible cold, disgusting food, late taxi. I thought this day could not get worse. I was mistaken. Do not bother me, Horacio!", | "A terrible cold, disgusting food, late taxi, I thought this day could not get any worse, but I was mistaken. Do not bother me, Horacio!", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_3_talking | "Clarence, I heard recently that your stock has plummeted. Vulkanis has it's own problems too...", | "Clarence, I heard recently that your stock has plummeted. You see, Vulkanis has its own problems too...", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_3_talking_1_1 | "I made it clear that I do not want to talk with you! What an annoying little brat...", | "I thought I have made it clear that I do not want to talk with you! What an annoying little brat...", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_3_talking_1_2 | "Ha! Don't judge a book by its cover, Mr. Wright. I'm only a couple of years younger than you. Gene mapping give a result.", | "Ha! Don't judge a book by its cover, Mr. Wright. I'm only a couple of years younger than you. The wonders of gene therapy.", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_3_talking_2_1 | "Such a Long flight... Clarence, come on! Chatting is the best way to spent time during a flight. What do you think of our recent 'Gemini' fragrance line? I can order a couple of exclusive samples for your wife. Does she prefer floral smell? ...", | "It's such a Long flight... Come on, Clarence! A chat is the best way to kill time on a flight. Say, what do you think of our recent 'Gemini' fragrance series? I can send a couple of exclusive samples for your wife. Does she prefer floral scents? ...", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_3_talking_2_2 | "I don't need anything from you. Do not bother me.", | "I said I don't need anything from you. Do not bother me.", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_3_complete | "Mr. Wright, Mr. Silverline... How was the flight? I hope it went without incident. Let me guide you to your apartment...", | "Welcome, Mr. Wright, Mr. Silverline.... How was the flight? I hope you've had a pleasant journey. Please, this way. Let me show you your apartments...", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_3_complete_1 | "What an annoying guy, this Horacio! Although, it's probably not worth it to talk about superiors like this... It seems that everything is going according to the plan, Captain. You have no idea how much I appreciate the job you've done.", | "What an annoying guy, this Horacio! Although, it's probably not terribly wise to gossip about our superiors behind their backs.... It seems that everything is going according to plan, Captain. You have no idea how much I appreciate the job you've done.", | ||||
quest_canyon_10_3_ME_yes | "He is not just 'some guy'. He is over 100 years old!", | |||||
quest_canyon_10_3_ME_no | "You're exaggerating...", | |||||
quest_canyon_10_3_NPC_yes | "\"What are you talking about? Go get some rest. Alright, Captain, I have to go. Thanks again!", | |||||
quest_canyon_10_3_NPC_no | "Not at all! we do not know how far this 'competition' could go. Actually, it is no longer a competition | "Not at all! We do not know how far this 'competition' would have gone. Actually, it is no longer a competition now. | ||||
Marktext_Canyon_Buy_Wings | "Install the wings and VIP compartment (Scarab)\"", | |||||
Marktext_Canyon_VIP_pick_up | "Pick up VIP", | |||||
Marktext_Canyon_VIP_drop_here | "Deliver VIP", | |||||
product_Canyon_Crystal_Ore | "Unknown mineral", | |||||
bases_POI_-2_-2 | "The mountains", | |||||
bases_POI_0_-2 | "Sea", | |||||
bases_TestPath | "Test Base", | |||||
bases_POI_2_1 | "Waterfalls", | |||||
bases_POI_5_-1 | "Volcano", | |||||
bases_POI_1_-6 | "Geysers", | |||||
bases_canyon_center | "Canyon Central", | |||||
HUD_bases_canyon_center | "Canyon Central", | |||||
Canyon_Epilog_2_NPC_both | "So, my salary increases and Canyon has a promising future! Here are a few credits. And yeah, I'm getting married! Of course you are invited. I will forward you the details later. Good luck, captian! And visit us sometimes", | "So, I got a raise and Canyon Central has a promising future! Here, you deserve part of my bonus. And yeah, I'm getting married! Of course you are invited, I will forward you the details later. Good luck, captain! And drop by some time!", | ||||
product_tools_car1_descr | "Universal units of the popular line. Actively used in construction and garbage businesses.", | |||||
product_topsecret_descr | "A securely sealed container equipped with a self-destruct system in case of any unauthorized tampering.", | |||||
GUI_ControlsMenu_Category_UI_Navigation | "Interface Navigation", | |||||
Canyon_Epilog_1 | "Hi, Captain. I have a great news! Our leaders came to an agreement. Come to the Canyon and we will personally thank you and tell you the details.", | "Hi, Captain. I have a great news! Our bosses came to an agreement. Come to the Canyon and we will personally thank you and tell you the details.", | ||||
Canyon_Epilog_2 | "There you are. Damn, I still can't believe that we pulled it off! I thought this only happens in movies. ", | |||||
Canyon_Epilog_2_ME_yes | "How was the meeting?", | |||||
Canyon_Epilog_2_ME_no | "How did it end?", | "How did it go?", | ||||
Canyon_Epilog_2_NPC_yes | "The very evening you brought them, Julia and I invited my superiors to meet with the staff. Imagine their surprise when they were at the same table! Next came the presentation and report on losses. Julia and I also developed a joint development project plan.", | "The very evening you brought them here, Julia and I invited our superiors to meet the staff. Imagine their surprise when they sat at the same table! Next came the presentation and a report on our recent losses. Julia and I also developed a joint development plan.", | ||||
quest_canyon_JP_1_8_completed | "Yeah, you made it! So you really do have some skills! Here you go 6000 credits. Swing by later and i will prepare another route. Oh, and one little gift.. We looted some cool stuff from a draw ship, and our guy will set it up on ur ship almost for free at Canyon-City", | "Yeah, you made it! So you really do have some skills! Here you go, 6000 credits. Swing by later and i will prepare another route. Oh, and one little gift.... We looted some cool stuff from a freight ship, and our guys will set it up on your ship almost for free at Canyon-Central", | ||||
quest_smugglers_8_1_Cable_completed | "Cap, bad news. The ship with our guys has crashed. Cause of the accident is still unknown. The survivors were scattered over dozens of kilometers. The {Quest}search zone{/Quest} is loading into your nav system. Seems like there are only {Quest}three{/Quest} left. Dont return untill we know they are safe or deceased.", | "Cap, bad news. The ship with our guys has crashed. Cause of the accident is still unknown. The survivors are scattered over dozens of kilometers. The {Quest}search zone{/Quest} has been uploaded into your nav system. Seems like there are only {Quest}three{/Quest} left. Don't return until we know what became of them.", | ||||
quest_canyon_8_1_NPC_yes | "In a sense... In fact, we want to catch plankton rather than fish. It is a great source of protein. Intel says it's a great source of protein, But 'NileStar' lab faces some problems, so go there and find out what happens.", | "In a sense.... In fact, we want to catch plankton rather than fish. It is a great source of protein. But the 'NileStar' lab has reported some problems, so go there and find out what happened.", | ||||
product_Canyon_Water_Filter_Old | "Old SINEVA filter", | |||||
quest_geo_north_city_phase_2_complete | "{Say}Captain, geological exploration is complete. The North Mine requires building material. If your ship doesn't have enough capacity, we kept one Oxv4 hold fixture for you on {Quest}Hardmine base{/Quest}.{/Say}", | "{Say}Captain, the geological exploration is complete. The North Mine now requires building materials. If your ship doesn't have enough capacity, we've set aside an Ox v4 cargo hold upgrade at {Quest}Hardmine{/Quest}.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_geo_north_city_phase_3_complete | "{Say}Captain, thank you for supplying the North Mine. We have some special Оx-v4 upgrades for you on Hardmine. Have a look in the hangar.{/Say}", | "{Say}Captain, thank you for supplying the North Mine. We have some special Оx v4 upgrades for you at Hardmine. Have a look at the hangar there.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_smugglers_4_1_Cable_quest_completed | "Nice to see you again. {Quest}Cargo{/Quest} is in stock, you know what to do next. You stopped at {Quest}Orient-RESEARCH{/Quest}? I suggest you not to stay at one place for too long, but it's up to you.", | |||||
quest_raglor_5.1_open | "{Say}Hello, my name is Frank.\r\nWe have a big construction project here and your help would be welcome.\r\nTo start, bring products needed by the {Quest}Big Crater{/Quest} mine. You can check the list in your ship' map interace. I'll let you know once a new task is avaliable.{/Say}", | "{Say}Hello, my name is Frank.\r\nWe have a big construction project here and your help would be welcome.\r\nTo start, bring products needed by the {Quest}Big Crater{/Quest} mine. You can check the list in your ship' map interlace. I'll let you know once a new task is available.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_astlan_main_heavycargo_4.1_complete | "{Say}Container loading complete. Ah, I completely forgot. It's a hell of a HEAVY cargo, so be careful. Now {Quest}deliver it{/Quest} to Astlan-1", | "{Say}Container loading complete. Ah, I completely forgot. It's one hell of a HEAVY cargo, so be careful. Now {Quest}deliver it{/Quest} to Astlan-1", | ||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Deliver_Cable | "Drop Cable", | |||||
quest_canyon_2_1_greeting | "Hi, this is Romulo. Our expedition is gaining momentum, or at least it will if you decide to help us out! I have a job for you. If you want to make some money Call me", | "Hi, this is Romulo. Our expedition is gaining momentum, or at least it will if you decide to help us out! If you want to make some money, give me a call, I have a job for you.", | ||||
quest_canyon_3_1_greeting | "Hey, Captain. I have a job for you, come to Canyon Central. Call me", | "Hey, Captain. I have another job for you, come to Canyon Central, then call me.", | ||||
MeteoCenterSetNormalRadiaton | "SKI background stable. Dangerous radiation levels will be encountered above 3 kilometers.", | |||||
MeteoCenterSetSemiLowRadiaton | "SKI background increasing. Dangerous radiation levels will be encountered above 2 kilometers. Use caution when choosing a flight altitude.", | |||||
MeteoCenterSetLowRadiaton | "Warning! {Red}High{/Red} level of SKI. Dangerous radiation levels will be encountered abowe 1 kilometer. Use caution when choosing a flight altitude.", | "Warning! SKI level is {Red}High{/Red}. Dangerous radiation levels will be encountered above 1 kilometer. Use caution when choosing a flight altitude.", | ||||
MeteoCenterSetHighRadiaton | "SKI background stable. Dangerous radiation levels will be encountered above 4 kilometers.", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_BadWeather | "Strong gusts of wind! Land or lower altitude to minimum.", | "Strong gusts of wind! Land or lower altitude to a minimum.", | ||||
MeteoCenter_Normal_Rad_Warning | "Attention. Predicted SKI level {Green}normal{/Green}. Favorable for flying in high atmospheric layers.", | "Attention: Predicted SKI level is {Green}normal{/Green}. Suitable for flight in high atmospheric layers.", | ||||
MeteoCenter_Semilow_Rad_Warning | "Attention! SKI level will be reduced soon. Recommended flight altitude not more than 1.5 kilometers.", | "Attention: SKI level will increase soon. Recommended flight altitude is no higher than 1.5 kilometers.", | ||||
quest_SetCalmWeatherr_Raglor_Set4Scaner | "Flight conditions are favorable. Happy travel!", | "Flight conditions are favorable. Happy travels!", | ||||
quest_raglor_main_4.1_open | "{Say}Captain, unfortunately the meeting was canceled. Please take me to {Quest}Big Crater{/Quest} since you have free time. I was curious to have a look at it, but I was too busy.{/Say}", | |||||
product_scaner_quest1 | "Wave-3 Scanner", | |||||
product_scaner_quest2 | "'CoreComlpex'", | |||||
product_scaner_quest3 | "RadioStation 'Ephyrion'", | |||||
product_scaner_quest4 | "Fuel, tanks.", | |||||
product_scaner_quest5 | "Materials 'LQK-400eq'", | |||||
product_scaner_quest1_descr | "Third generation Wave geolocation scanner. Has low weight and is easy to maintain.", | |||||
product_scaner_quest2_descr | "Drilling equipment service kit. Widely used at small mining stations.", | |||||
product_scaner_quest3_descr | "A radio complex capable of providing stable communication with the far stations of the star system.", | |||||
product_scaner_quest4_descr | "Army HomeLandOil spilled in fuel-tight tanks. Used for ground trucks and underground trains.", | |||||
product_scaner_quest5_descr | "'LQK-400eq' is the codename for the experimental deep gas production system. This container contains accessories for servicing", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_1_complete | "{Say}Great, the scanner is in the hold. It's a standard Wave-3 lightweight, durable and compact.{/Say}", | "{Say}Great, the scanner is in the hold. It's a standard Wave-3. Lightweight, durable and compact.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_2_open | "{Say}Pick up the second scanner at drill site {Quest}North-1{/Quest} and deliver it to the geological exploration site.{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_2_complete | "{Say}Wave-1 scanner is loaded in the hold. It's an outdated model, heavy and bulky. Now deliver it to the {Quest}customer{/Quest}{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3_open | "{Say}The next scanner is waiting for you at {Quest}Metallic-N{/Quest}.{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3_complete | "{Say}Scanner Wave-3 loaded in the hold. Very good, now deliver it to the {Quest}place{/Quest}{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_4_open | "{Say}The next scanner is at the {Quest}CONCORD base{/Quest}. Be nice to them... it would be a pity if they accidentally shot you down.{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_4_complete | "{Say}This is Wave-4А, a state-of-the-art device! The Security Service has the best equipment as always.{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_5_open | "{Say}The next one is at Orient-RESEARCH. Their scanner is a Wave-Quatro. It will be too heavy to lift without advanced engines.{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_5_complete | "{Say}Wave-Quatro is in the hold. Wow! Almost ten tons...{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_1.2_failed | "{Say}Mission failed.{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_1.2_open | "{Say}Now, install the scanner in position{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_1.2_complete | "{Say}You succeeded, we are receiving scanner data\r\n{System}1/5{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_2.2_open | "{Say}Now, install the scanner in position{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_2.2_complete | "{Say}You succeeded, we are receiving scanner data\r\n {System}2/5{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3.2_open | "{Say}Now, install the scanner in position{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3.2_complete | "{Say}You succeeded, we are receiving scanner data\r\n{System} 3/5{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_4.2_open | "{Say}Now, install the scanner in position{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_4.2_complete | "{Say}You succeeded, we are receiving scanner data\r\n{System} 4/5{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_5.2_open | "{Say}Now, install the scanner in position{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_5.2_complete | "{Say}You succeeded, we are receiving scanner data\r\n{System} 5/5{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_6_open_end | "{Say}Great work! We are receiving data from all positions.{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_1_open | "{Say}Hi, geologists have a job for you. Place some geolocators and there's 20k in it for you. Contact me if interested {btnX}[IVT_Ship_ToggleMapStory] {/btnX}{/Say}", | |||||
GUI_HUD_Cargo_Talk | "Discuss route", | |||||
Canyon_Quest_10_CEO_Failed | "Why the hell it is shaking ?! Someone call the rescuers!", | "What the hell is with the shaking?! Someone call the rescue service!", | ||||
Canyon_Quest_10_CEO_Failed_NPC | "Emergency squad is on the way. How did you manage to crash? Dammit... Our task is getiing much harder. I wiil notify you if I get any news.", | "Emergency responders are on the way. How did you manage to crash? Dammit.... This just made our job that much harder. I will let you know if I get any news.", | ||||
Hardmining_food_Mark | "Buy food", | "Sell food here", | ||||
quest_astlan_main_buy_advice | "{Say} By the way, you may trade on you own without special orders. Every base constantly produces and buys a number of goods. And quartermasters regularly replenish lists of available and needed goods, which you can check in your ship's map interface. {btnX}<M>{/btnX}{/Say}", | "{Say} By the way, you may trade on you own outside special missions. Every base constantly produces and buys a range of goods. Their quartermasters regularly update lists of available and needed goods, which you can check on your ship's map interface. {btnX}<M>{/btnX}{/Say}", | ||||
GUI_HUD_Passenger_Drop_Off | "Drop off a passenger", | "Drop off passenger", | ||||
GUI_Video_Title_ShadowQuality | "Shadows Quality", | "Shadow Quality", | ||||
GUI_HUD_Quest_Talk | "Discuss a mission", | |||||
_PassengersRightCityMessage_ | "Looks like it's the right place. May I go out?", | |||||
QuestLandingZone | "Cargo zone", | |||||
TakeMeMessage_Quest_variant | "Captain, are you ready to let me in?", | |||||
_PassengersRightCityMessage_1 | "Oh, it's the place what i need! I appreciate it, captian! Could you please let me out?", | "Oh, it's the place I need to go! I appreciate it, captain! Could you please let me out?", | ||||
_PassengersRightCityMessage_2 | "Allready there? It was a quick flight! Well.. I may go out, I suppose?", | "Already there? It was a quick flight! Well.. I may go out, I suppose?", | ||||
_PassengersRightCityMessage_3 | "And there is my stop. Thank you for a flight, captain. May I go out?", | "And there is my stop. Thank you for the flight, captain. May I go out?", | ||||
_PassengerPleaseLandMessage_ | "Could you please land over there? ", | |||||
Standard_Passenger | "New passenger", | |||||
HUD_Passengers_Embarking_Break | "Returning", | |||||
HUD_Passenger_Hardmaterialmining_ReadyMessage | "I'm inside, captian. It's very time to go to CargoSpaceWay", | "I'm inside, captain. It's time to go to the CargoSpaceWay", | ||||
Passenger_Hardmaterialmining_ReadyMessage | "I'm inside, captian. It's very time to go to CargoSpaceWay.", | "I'm inside, captain. It's time to go to the CargoSpaceWay.", | ||||
Passenger_Canyon_Julia_TakeMePlease | "Captain, We need to be in Canyon-city soon, so we'd better get going.", | "Captain, We need to get to Canyon Central soon, so we've better get going.", | ||||
Passenger_Astlan_Paul | "paul", | "Paul", | ||||
PassangerPrivateName20 | "Elijah Conners", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName21 | "Pr. Gregor O'Brien", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName22 | "Thomas Wendison", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName23 | "Mr. Oakenfield", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName24 | "Ms. Oakenfield", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName25 | "Sato Mamoru", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName26 | "Zheng Ho Sen", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName27 | "Yuki Minato", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName28 | "Haruto Sudzumaki", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName29 | "Evgeny Raskolnikov", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName30 | "Alena Neverova", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName31 | "Kristina Shilmdan", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName32 | "Zoe Sojstein", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName33 | "Amrit Karna", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName34 | "Arjuna Ravi", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName35 | "Kingzhao Row", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName36 | "Chun li", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName37 | "Jencky Zhang", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName38 | "Donald Abrams", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName39 | "Mark Aniston", | |||||
PassangerPrivateName40 | "Raul Iglesias", | |||||
PassengerTakeMeMessage_2 | "Well, hello, captain! <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>. I'll pay upon arrival.", | |||||
PassengerTakeMePleaseMessage_2 | "Are we going or not? <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>. I won’t wait for you forever", | |||||
PassengersWrongCityMessage_2 | "Where we are?! Is it b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>?", | |||||
PassengerOpenCargoInMessage_2 | "Hey, open it.", | |||||
PassengersOpenCargoOutMessage_2 | "Hey, open it.", | |||||
PassengersReadyMessage_2 | "I am inside. Let's go to <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>!", | |||||
PassengersCompleteMessage_2 | "I was not a great flight but you earned {NPC_Mem_RewardForPassanger}.", | |||||
PassengerTakeMeMessage_3 | "Hey, Cap. I need to reach <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>, as soon as possible.", | |||||
PassengerTakeMePleaseMessage_3 | "Tik-Tok. I am out of time.", | |||||
PassengersWrongCityMessage_3 | "Where we are?! Is it <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>?", | |||||
PassengerOpenCargoInMessage_3 | "Open up. Fast. I am late.", | |||||
PassengersOpenCargoOutMessage_3 | "Finally we are here. Open it.", | |||||
PassengersReadyMessage_3 | "I am inside. Let's go to <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>!", | |||||
PassengersCompleteMessage_3 | "Thanks. I send you {NPC_Mem_RewardForPassanger} credits. See you soon.", | |||||
PassengerTakeMeMessage_4 | "Hey, how are you? I have to be in <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b> as soon as possible. Would you pick me up?", | |||||
PassengerTakeMePleaseMessage_4 | "Would you pick me up? With me time flies so fast. Take me to <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>", | |||||
PassengersWrongCityMessage_4 | "Hm, seems like it's not where i have to be. Do you have some business here? I am ok with it but i have to be in <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>. Should i go out?", | |||||
PassengerOpenCargoInMessage_4 | "Knock-Knock. You forgot to open the passenger gateway.", | |||||
PassengersOpenCargoOutMessage_4 | "Oh, we are here. Open the passenger gateway.", | |||||
PassengersReadyMessage_4 | "Hm, nice ship. Let's go to <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>. What's your name?", | |||||
PassengersCompleteMessage_4 | "Great. Thank you for the ride. Here it is some credits for you. {NPC_Mem_RewardForPassanger} ", | |||||
PassengerTakeMeMessage_6 | "Hey, Would you give me a ride to <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>?", | |||||
PassengerTakeMePleaseMessage_6 | "Hey, i am still here. Wouldd you give me a ridde to <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>?", | |||||
PassengersWrongCityMessage_6 | "Where we are? It is not the <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>. Should i go out?", | |||||
PassengerOpenCargoInMessage_6 | "Open the hatch", | |||||
PassengersOpenCargoOutMessage_6 | "Let me out", | |||||
PassengersReadyMessage_6 | "Let's go to <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>", | |||||
PassengersCompleteMessage_6 | "{NPC_Mem_RewardForPassanger}. See ya.", | |||||
PassengerTakeMeMessage_7 | "Hey, how are you? I have to be in <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b> as soon as possible. Would you pick me up?", | |||||
PassengerTakeMePleaseMessage_7 | "I don't wonna go, but i would be fired. I just have to be at <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b> in time.", | |||||
PassengersWrongCityMessage_7 | "Nice place, but i have to be <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>. Should i go out?", | |||||
PassengerOpenCargoInMessage_7 | "Pretty high-quality design. Probably withstands enormous loads. It's me outside admiring your hatch.", | |||||
PassengersOpenCargoOutMessage_7 | "I wanted to ask you to let me go, but then I remembered that bunch of things that awaits me outside .. Okay, better not to think about it. Release me, captain.", | |||||
PassengersReadyMessage_7 | "I have to be in <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>, but I do not mind taking a ride, look around.", | |||||
PassengersCompleteMessage_7 | "How much shoul i pay? {NPC_Mem_RewardForPassanger}? See you later!", | |||||
Passengers_RM_1 | "Be more carefull!", | "Be more careful!", | ||||
Passengers_RM_2 | "Damn, how long are we already flying ... Man, when will we be there?", | "Damn, how long have we been flying already...? Man, when will we get there?", | ||||
Passengers_RM_3 | "Captain, have you ever been to <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>? I heared there are a lot of great bars. Do you wonna visit one of them?", | "Captain, have you ever been to <b>{NPC_DestinationMapName}</b>? I heard there are a lot of great bars. Do you wanna visit one of them?", | ||||
Passengers_RM_4 | "Still, the cool thing is an air taxi. But there were times when people were in traffic jams and could only dream of such a thing.", | "Still, air taxis are cool things. There were times when people got stuck in traffic jams and could only dream of such a thing.", | ||||
Passengers_RM_5 | "* silent snoring *", | |||||
Passengers_RM_6 | "Arrived? No? .. ", | "Arrived? Not yet? .. ", | ||||
Passengers_RM_7 | "Captain, there is no signal. Can not even listen the music!", | "Captain, there is no signal here. I can't even listen to music!", | ||||
Passengers_RM_8 | "Really thirsty, do you have someting to drink? Oh, i see the fridge.", | "I am really thirsty, do you have something to drink? Oh, I see the fridge.", | ||||
Passengers_RM_9 | "I'm also thinking about buying my own ship. But with my family and my second job, I don’t have enough time to get a license ...", | "I'm actually thinking about buying my own ship. But between my family and my second job, I don’t have enough time to get a license ...", | ||||
Passengers_RM_11 | "Do you know a Tony Kild? He took me to a neighboring base, so he flow all over Astana, and refused to land!", | "Do you know a Tony Kild? I asked him to take me to a nearby base, but he flew all over Astlan, and refused to land!", | ||||
Passengers_RM_12 | "Recently, the weather is sucks. Even several Astlan-Raglor flights were canceled", | "Recently, the weather is horrible. Even several Astlan-Raglor flights had been canceled", | ||||
Passengers_RM_14 | "Do you know what Raglor is missing? Normal, solid, and most importantly - legal - places where you can have fun.", | |||||
Passengers_RM_15 | "What can you say about local food? As for me, the ocean fish is bitter, and i am completely sick of the protein paste!", | "What do you think about local food? As for me, the ocean fish is bitter, and I am completely sick of protein paste!", | ||||
Passengers_RM_16 | "Captain, an interesting scientific fact the longer the flight, the lower the mass of the ship. This is due to the specifics of the ship charging batteries. Experienced pilots take this into account when flying.", | "Captain, an interesting scientific fact is that the longer the flight, the lower the mass of the ship. This is due to the ship expending fuel as it flies. Experienced pilots take this into account when flying.", | ||||
Passengers_RM_17 | "Have you gained height? If so, it’s better not to. The radiation on this planet is harsh.", | |||||
Passengers_RM_18 | "It’s nice to know that a loving family and children are waiting at home. And in the morning at work a pleasant team and loyal bosses are waiting. Are you jealous?", | "It’s nice to know that a loving family and children are waiting at home. And every morning, a pleasant team and great bosses await me at work. Are you jealous?", | ||||
Passengers_RM_19 | "Hah, fun ... Cap, I just read a joke Knock-Knock who is it? Your engine is in the fire. ", | |||||
Passengers_RM_21 | "On a party yesterday, my drunk friend decided to weigh himself. In general, I don’t have a robot cleaner anymore ...", | "In a party yesterday, my drunk friend decided to weigh himself. Now, I don’t have a vacuum robot anymore ...", | ||||
Passengers_RM_22 | "Raglor such a shit whole. Have you ever been to other planets?", | "Raglor is such a shit hole. Have you ever been to other planets?", | ||||
Passengers_RM_23 | "What is this strange spot on the horizon? Is it approaching us? After all these rumors about aliens, you begin to fear your own shadow.", | |||||
Passengers_RM_24 | "And why I agreed to this business trip .. Could be home now. vast ocean, warmth, birds sing, dolphins ... ... beauty!", | |||||
Passengers_RM_25 | "\"Emilian stocks are steadily going up. There are a lot of rumors around this corporation.\r\n supposedly, they found ancient technologies on some planet in deep space. By the way, did you know? Ballena is their product.\"", | |||||
Passengers_RM_26 | "Have you seen this giant thing in the center of Raglore? they will drill very deep, and because they found a deposits of livermonium. But it's not a drill!", | |||||
Passengers_RM_27 | "Once I happened to be at Raglor Canyon, in the north of the mainland. A very promising place. And this is not only my forecast.", | |||||
Passengers_RM_28 | "I must admit, I am very nervous during such trips. According to the media, recently several pilots missed. And no body can find them.", | |||||
Passengers_RM_29 | "Raglor - tens and tens of kilometers of monotonous orange wasteland. I never thought that I would miss the xenotropics of Vulcanis.", | |||||
Passengers_RM_31 | "Of course, I understand that Raglor is an industrial hole like Anvilside. But people still live here - where are the shopping centers? Where are the clubs? Where are the supermarkets, after all ?!", | |||||
Passengers_RM_32 | "Have you ever wondered if there were anyone here before us? It turns out that not only I am interested in it. I once saw an archaeological site somewhere deep in the mainland. And it seems they have found something!", | |||||
Passengers_RM_33 | "Captain, can you imagine? Suaqo Ltd has announced a liverermonium-tasting soda ...", | |||||
Passengers_RM_34 | "Have you been to M&T? Their drilling equipment is just something great!", | |||||
Passengers_RM_35 | "Do you know what the Big Crater is? Today in the magazine I read this version - supposedly, the ancient civilization that lived here before us tried to break through to the core of the planet. God ... these guys should have learned the math..", | |||||
Passengers_RM_36 | "Big Crater ... The official version is a giant drill. But after working for 12 years in the galactic fleet, I can tell you with confidence - this is a huge tool. What to shoot from such a huge gun?", | |||||
Passengers_RM_37 | "Have you seen this construction site in the middle of Raglore? So, this is not a drill. This Sky-Telecom is building a giant antenna to pour dirt across the galaxy to the people!", | |||||
Passengers_RM_38 | "\"The other day I saw a guy on Hardmine. There is something ... inhuman in him. Movements, facial expressions .. hard to say. Or maybe the guy just had a hangover?\r\n\"", | |||||
Passengers_RM_39 | "I saw how frontiers like you helped in the deployment of some objects, right in the middle of the desert. I wonder what is it for..", | |||||
Passengers_RM_41 | "I saw how geologists are deploying field geological exploration. Who would be here if not a livermonium.", | |||||
Passengers_RM_42 | "A friend from the Security Service told me that an inspector had been sent to us from the metropolis. Seems like we gonna have problems.", | |||||
Passengers_RM_43 | "Have you seen these weird floating things on the beach? I was terribly afraid when i saw it. It turns out that they are absolutely harmless, and even useful - they purify water from all sorts of nasty things.", | |||||
Passengers_RM_44 | "You must have seen unusual turquoise mushrooms on the shore. My brother Tybalt told me an amazing thing these are intelligent mushrooms, can you imagine ?!", | |||||
Passengers_RM_45 | "Have you ever been to Vulkanis? Amazing place. Dangerous rainforests full of gigantic aggressive creatures. Probably, the Earth looked like this some time ago.", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_1_open_NPC_yes | "{Say}The work is very simple - to help corporations deliver the necessary goods to - 'in the field'. You will find the first {Quest}container{/Quest} on the cargo area. This is the one with the orange color.{/Say}", | "{Say}The job is very simple - help corporations deliver cargo 'in the field'. You will find the first {Quest}container{/Quest} in the cargo area. It is the orange-colored one.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_1_open_NPC_no | "{Say}Great. You will find the first container on the cargo area. This is the one with the orange color.{/Say}", | "{Say}Great. You will find the first container in the cargo area. It is the orange-colored one.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_1_open_ME_yes | "Details?", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_1_open_ME_no | "Why not", | "Why not?", | ||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3_open_NPC_yes | "{Say}Powerful portable radio station. Why they need such a fixed field-based device - I have no idea. This load is extremely fragile. Take off and land gently, avoid storms - and everything will be fine.{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3_open_ME_yes | "What is wrong with the cargo?", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3_open_ME_no | "OK", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3.2_open_NPC_yes | "{Say}A lot of people blame H&K for stealing intellectual property and connections with the underworld. By the way, you know OXv4? Tthe most popular ship among frontiers - their technology.{/Say}", | "{Say}A lot of people believe H&K steals intellectual property and is connected to the underworld. By the way, you know the OXv4? The most popular ship on the frontier - their technology.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3.2_open_ME_yes | "Illegal?", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3.2_open_ME_no | "I'm not used to giving up an easy money", | "I'm not used to giving up on easy money.", | ||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_4_open_NPC_yes | "{Say}. This is the metropolitan security service they maintain order and law on the planet, sell mining licenses. Engaged in cadastre, taxes, etc.{/Say}", | "{Say}. This is the metropolitan security service, they maintain order and law on the planet, sell mining licenses. They are also responsible for cadastre, taxes, etc.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_4_open_NPC_no | "{Say}The location of their base is already in your on-board computer{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_4_open_ME_yes | "CONCORD - sounds military!", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_4_open_ME_no | "Just send the coordinates", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_5.2_open_NPC_yes | "{Say} Yes, Researchers pump some kind of gas from the bowels, and they need to update production equipment. And these things are damn heavy. I recommend buy powerful engines, as well as expand the cargo compartment.{/Say}", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_5.2_open_ME_yes | "To prepare?", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_5.2_open_ME_no | "Yes, yes, I'm on the way", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3.2_complete_NPC_yes | "{Say}A lot of people blame H&K for stealing intellectual property and connections with the underworld. By the way, your OXv4 is the most popular ship among frontiers - their technology.{/Say}", | "{Say}A lot of people believe H&K steals intellectual property and is connected to the underworld. By the way, you know the OXv4? The most popular ship on the frontier - their technology.{/Say}", | ||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3.2_complete_ME_yes | "Illegal?", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_3.2_complete_ME_no | "I'm not used to giving up an easy money", | "I'm not used to giving up on easy money.", | ||||
MeteoCenter_Message_SandstormWeather_warning | "Warning! A sandstorm is approaching. It is highly recommended to find shelter (land) and wait untill it ends", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_SandstormWeather | "Sandstorm! Land as soon as possible!", | |||||
quest_archeology_invite | "Captain, archaeologists need help. Job is simple, the cargoes are not heavy - the ancient remains saturated with livermonium. You can find the archaeologist base {Quest}on the north of Metallic-N base.{/Quest}", | "Captain, archaeologists need help. The job is simple, the cargoes are not heavy - ancient fossils saturated with livermonium. You can find the archaeological base {Quest}to the North of Metallic-N.{/Quest}", | ||||
quest_archeology_complete1 | "New employee? I’ll go straight to the point. We dig out ancient specimens, make a quick analysis, and then you guys {Quest}deliver it to the laboratory{/Quest}. Look around, the livermonium radiation will help you find the cargo.", | "Are you our new employee? I’ll get straight to the point. We dig out ancient specimens, make a quick analysis, and then you guys {Quest}deliver it to the laboratory{/Quest}. Look around, the livermonium radiation will help you find the cargo.", | ||||
quest_archeology_complete2 | "Hello. Thanks for the help. I send you {Quest}coordinates of other expeditions{/Quest}, and i'll make a call to my friend on Metallic-N. He will provide you with specialized upgrades for Scarab, which will simplify the delivery of goods.", | "Hello. Thanks for the help. I have sent you the {Quest}coordinates of other expeditions{/Quest}, and I'll make a call to my friend at Metallic-N. He will provide you with specialized upgrades for the Scarab, which will simplify the delivery of goods.", | ||||
product_archeology1 | "Fossil", | |||||
product_archeology1_descr | "Excavated piece of rock, containing unidentified remains of an ancient organism", | |||||
product_archeology2_descr | "Skeleton samples of an ancient giant creature, Very well preserved.", | |||||
product_archeology2 | "Artifact", | |||||
product_archeology3 | "Relic", | |||||
product_archeology3_descr | "The primary analysis could not determine whether this sample belongs to any species.", | |||||
mark_Archeology_site | "Archaeologists camp", | |||||
quest_raglor_main_3.1_complete2 | "We are in place. Captain, give me a couple of minutes", | |||||
Container_Archeology1 | "Fossil", | |||||
Container_Archeology2 | "Artifact", | |||||
Container_Archeology3 | "Relic", | |||||
bases_skeleton_discovery_A | "Expedition 'Discovery'", | |||||
bases_skeleton_discovery_A_descr | "It was the scientists from this expedition who discovered the remains, and proved the existence of a highly developed life on the planet. However, the camp has funding problems", | |||||
bases_skeleton_discovery_B | "Camp 'Tau-7'", | |||||
bases_skeleton_discovery_B_descr | "Mobile Research Base 'Kapu Inc'. Unlike other archaeological expeditions, pursuing the historical and scientific value of the finds, this interests the saturation of livermonium in artifacts.", | |||||
bases_skeleton_discovery_C | "'WAAC' Residence ", | |||||
bases_skeleton_discovery_С_descr | "WAAC - World Association of Alien Creationism. large organization, a syndicate of many laboratories developing a theory, that life on Earth was born artificially, by aliens. This camp is their field laboratory.", | |||||
MeteoCenter_High_Rad_Warning | "Pilots, good news. Predicted SKI level is {btnX}very low{/btnX} Max. flight altitude - above 3km.", | |||||
GUI_HUD_Cargo_HintText | "Use [IVT_UI_Right] to activate this panel", | |||||
GUI_HUD_Aggregates_HintText | "Use [IVT_UI_Left] to activate this panel", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_1_1_confirm | "Greetings. Is it about the job?", | |||||
GUI_HUD_Cargo_HelpText | "Click [IVT_UI_Right] to select the panel", | |||||
PersonCallMessage | "Hey. Something urgent?", | |||||
PersonCallMessage_ME_yes | "Do you have a job?", | |||||
PersonCallMessage_ME_no | "Sorry, accidentally called you.", | |||||
Plum_test_message | "Yep i have, come!", | |||||
Quest_Plum_Contacts_Tutorial | "Hello captain! I have a job for you. When you are ready - contact me. You can do this using the interface of your ship - {btnX} [IVT_Ship_ToggleMapStory] {/btnX}", | |||||
GUI_HUD_Call | "Call", | |||||
quest_raglor_main_1_confirm | "Hi, Are you calling related the job?", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_StormWeather_warning | "Warning! Storm is comming! Hide somewhere!", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_StormWeather | "Storm! Hide somewhere, and wait!", | |||||
GUI_MapWindow_ContactView_GroupSystem | "System", | |||||
GUI_MapWindow_ContactView_GroupAdministrate | "Administrate", | |||||
GUI_MapWindow_ContactView_GroupBusiness | "Business", | |||||
GUI_MapWindow_ContactView_GroupBiggun | "Big Crater campaign", | |||||
GUI_MapWindow_ContactView_GroupCriminal | "Criminal", | |||||
GUI_MapWindow_ContactView_GroupMonteCo | "Monte&Company", | |||||
GUI_MapWindow_ContactView_GroupCapuInc | "Capu Incorporated", | |||||
bases_biggun_observer | "Observation deck", | |||||
Quest_Cable_Contacts_Tutorial | "* System message * You have one missed call from the Cable contact. Press {btnX}[IVT_Ship_ToggleMapStory]{/btnX} and select it from the list.", | |||||
quest_canyon_8_Romulo_invite | "Hi, captain! This is Julia, I have a job for you. If interested, come to Canyon Central.", | |||||
product_Rover | "Rover", | |||||
Container_Rover | "Rover", | |||||
LongFlightDetected | "{Green}Long flight{/Green}", | |||||
Shipname_Scarab_1 | "Discovery-RAGLOR1", | |||||
Shipname_Scarab_2 | "Starling HJ4", | |||||
Shipname_Scarab_3 | "Orion-21", | |||||
Shipname_Scarab_4 | "Greyfox 24", | |||||
Shipname_Scarab_5 | "Fearless", | |||||
Shipname_Ox_1 | "Mercury-1", | |||||
Shipname_Ox_2 | "Freedom-2281", | |||||
Shipname_Ox_3 | "Star Traveler v.7", | |||||
Shipname_Ox_4 | "Brilliant", | |||||
Shipname_Ox_5 | "Е-20 'New Horizon'", | |||||
Shipname_Ballena_1 | "'New Terra' No1491", | |||||
Shipname_Ballena_2 | "Prosperity", | |||||
Shipname_Ballena_3 | "Josephine", | |||||
Shipname_Ballena_4 | "Sky Serpent | ARCon ed.", | |||||
Shipname_Ballena_5 | "Galaxy-14", | |||||
Shipname_Universal | "Martlet", | |||||
News_Agency | "NOVA-News", | |||||
Security_Captain_descr | "Colony Security Officer. He is responsible for the rule of law on Raglore, as well as for countering external threats.", | |||||
Rain_Weather_Prediction | "FORECAST In a few minutes Under the influence of the cyclone and its frontal sections, heavy rain will take place, in some areas a strong wind", | |||||
Events_Engine_Pending | "I'm starting an analysis of engine damages ...", | |||||
quest_astlan_inspector_hint_1 | "The matter is really urgent. If we get there in time - you get extra money.", | |||||
quest_astlan_inspector_hint_2 | "It seems we are late, and the clerk just left the town. Well, it can't be helped. And obviously, no premium payment for you.\r\n", | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_2_1_Cable_greeting | "Got the device? Then move your bones here to the {Quest}Orient-RESEARCH{/Quest}, now! Looks like we gonna have company soon.", | |||||
QuestRaglor_Main_Reputation_Hint_message | "Well done, captain! Exactly what we need. Please continue to supply us with the necessary materials. Upon reaching the next stage, a more interesting job will appear.", | |||||
quest_geo_north_city_phase_4_complete | "Your help is invaluable, captain! The base, as they say, 'blooms and smells'. Now it is a full-fledged colony along with other Raglor cities. And by the way, the range of upgrades was updated again.", | |||||
quest_canyon_9_2_completed | "Very good. Now, since you ejected an old filter, you need to inject the new one. You may do it right now or after trasporting the spoiled filter to our base. It's quite tight there on these platforms after all", | |||||
QuestRaglor_5_6_2_failed | "Captain, can you hear me? We lost cargo beacon signal. Box is deadly damaged, lost or other pilot took it. Anyway, task is canceled.", | |||||
quest_raglor_radars_failed | "Captain, i been reprimanded for radar components transportship delays. It seems the matter is really urgent. Sorry, but they hired another pilot. If you are still willing to help us - please support us with needed goods.", | |||||
Trader_Assistant_descr | "Former frontier-pilot, colleague, retired due to injury. May help with advice.", | |||||
Statistic_Passanger_Matt | "Mr. Green", | |||||
Passenger_Statistic_Matt_Optional_Target | "... or CONCORD", | |||||
Passenger_Matt_CONCORD | "Hey, whatta hell?! Where did you bring me? And what are you plotting?", | |||||
Container_stat_3 | "Case", | |||||
product_stat_3 | "Generator Case", | |||||
product_stat_3_descr | "Brand new hull that protects the generator from external damage. It seems that someone confused the declaration - the cargo formally does not belong to anyone and is waiting for its lucky owner", | |||||
HUD_Passenger_Statistic_Matt_Optional_Target | "... or CONCORD", | |||||
Passengers_RM_13 | "Captain, have you ever wondered why it is always day on this planet? This is not the first day this question haunts me.", | "Captain, have you ever wondered why it is always daytime on this planet? This is not the first time this question has haunted me.", | ||||
Statistic_Passanger_Matt_descr | "Such a strange guy. Seems like Raglor is not for him, that why he wonna leave this place", | |||||
Passenger_Statistic_Matt_TakeMe | "Hey, what’s up? I have to leave this planet. Would you help me? I screwed up big time.", | |||||
Passenger_Statistic_Matt_TakeMePlease | "I am still here. I have to be on CargoSpaceWay. Would you help me?", | |||||
Reply_Matt_yes | "Get out", | |||||
Reply_Matt_no | "No offense. I do not need problems", | |||||
Statistic_Passanger_Cop_Talk_thanks | "Nice, we were looking for him for a long time. Thank you for your help. Here it is you reward.", | |||||
Passenger_Statistic_Matt_CompleteMessage | "Here we come. Thank you. You know i cant pay you right now all of my accounts blocked. Take care.", | |||||
Container_stat_1 | "Chips", | |||||
Container_stat_2 | "Lenses", | |||||
product_stat_1 | "'Mastermind 1089' chips", | |||||
product_stat_2 | "'Farsight-1z' Lenses", | |||||
product_stat_1_descr | "Software universal chips, applicable for most devices. It seems that someone messed up with the declarations - the cargo formally does not belong to anyone and is waiting for its happy owner", | |||||
product_stat_2_descr | "Professional lenses for powerful telescopes. It seems that someone messed up with the declarations - the cargo formally does not belong to anyone and is waiting for its happy owner", | |||||
HUD_Target_Canyon_Researcher_drop_spot_1 | "By coordinates", | |||||
HUD_Target_Canyon_Researcher_drop_spot_2 | "By coordinates", | |||||
HUD_Target_Canyon_Researcher_drop_spot_3 | "By coordinates", | |||||
Target_Canyon_Researcher_drop_spot_1 | "By coordinates", | |||||
Target_Canyon_Researcher_drop_spot_2 | "By coordinates", | |||||
Target_Canyon_Researcher_drop_spot_3 | "By coordinates", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_RainWeather_5min_warning | "Attention, a cyclone is coming. In about five minutes, there will be a heavy downpour accompanied by a gusty wind.", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_RainWeather_3min_warning | "We repeat, a thunderstorm is coming. Long haul flights can be dangerous.\r\nWe recommend that you land or fly at the lowest possible altitude.", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_RainWeather_1min_warning | "Cyclone! Life threatening! It is highly recommended to lower the height as soon as possible.", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_SandstormWeather_5min_warning | "A sandstorm is predicted within five minutes. Be prepared and await further alerts.", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_SandstormWeather_3min_warning | "Attention! A sandstorm is coming. Strong gusts of wind and almost zero visibility in the lower atmosphere. It's almost safe upstairs, but watch the fuel gauge", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_SandstormWeather_1min_warning | "Sandstorm Begins! We recommend landing as soon as possible or gaining a safe altitude!", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_StormWeather_5min_warning | "Attention, thunderstorm and strong wind gusts are forecasted! Estimated time before weather conditions worsen 5-7 minutes.", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_StormWeather_3min_warning | "We repeat, a thunderstorm is coming! We recommend that all pilots get down to the ground. Flying in the middle atmosphere is life-threatening. Long haul flights - not recommended", | |||||
MeteoCenter_Message_StormWeather_1min_warning | "The storm begins! Reduce flight altitude to minimum as soon as possible.", | |||||
LoadGUI | "GUI Loading", | |||||
LoadVirtualMouseStickDescr | "Loading virtual stick", | |||||
LoadTrade | "Trade Loading", | |||||
LoadProductsAndMaterials | "Loading products", | |||||
LoadConditionAliases | "Loading conditions", | |||||
LoadShipMalfunctions | "Loading ship malfunctions", | |||||
LoadShipUpgrades | "Loading upgrades", | |||||
LoadWorldTargetsDescrs | "Loading world targets", | |||||
LoadWorlds | "Loading world", | |||||
LoadHangars | "Loading hangars", | |||||
LoadCargoboxes | "Loading cargos", | |||||
LoadPersons | "Loading persons", | |||||
LoadCharacters | "Loading characters", | |||||
LoadEffects | "Loading effects", | |||||
LoadQuests | "Loading quests", | |||||
LoadShips | "Loading ships", | |||||
LoadRadio | "Loading radio", | |||||
LoadWinds | "Loading winds", | |||||
LoadAnimations | "Loading animations", | |||||
LoadStringGroups | "Loading string groups", | |||||
LoadMessages | "Loading messages", | |||||
LoadProjectiles | "Loading projectiles", | |||||
LoadMeteors | "Loading meteors", | |||||
LoadCinematics | "Loading cinematics", | |||||
LoadShakes | "Loading shakes", | |||||
LoadPostProcessing | "Loading post-processing", | |||||
LoadCameras | "Loading cameras", | |||||
LoadCockpitCameraControllers | "Loading cockpit camera controllers", | |||||
LoadCinematicCameraControllers | "Loading cinematic camera controllers", | |||||
LoadCameraOperators | "Loading camera operators", | |||||
LoadTriggers | "Loading triggers", | |||||
LoadSoundBuses | "Loading sounds", | |||||
LoadUnderShipSurfaceEffects | "Loading surface effects", | |||||
LoadVersion | "Load version", | |||||
WarmupAllShaders | "Loading shaders", | |||||
SceneLoad | "Loading scene", | |||||
LoadServerSettings | "Load server settings", | |||||
LaunchCheckConnectionCoroutine | "Check server connection", | |||||
SendCookie | "Send destribution data", | |||||
SteamStart | "Steam connection", | |||||
RequestTicket | "Request player data", | |||||
quest_smugglers_1_1_Cable_greeting | "Hey Captain, I brought a couple pallets of illegal {Quest}20-year-old whisky{/Quest} from Earth. Deliver it quietly to the {Quest}M&T Corp{/Quest} and I will pay you a great sum!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_1_1_Cable_quest_completed | "Cargo is in the hold? Great! You'd better {Quest}hurry{/Quest}, though. My... client does not have much patience.", | "The cargo is in your hold? Great! You've better {Quest}hurry{/Quest}, though. My... client does not have much patience.", | ||||
quest_smugglers_1_2_Cable_quest_completed | "Thank you, friend! I transferred a couple thousand creds to your account. If you want to make some easy money then {Quest}come back later on{/Quest}.", | "Thank you, friend! I transferred a couple thousand creds to your account. If you want to make some easy money then {Quest}come back here later{/Quest}.", | ||||
quest_smugglers_1_2_Cable_quest_failed | "Are you a complete moron? Or did you decide to screw me over? I hope the first option... For your own sake.", | "Are you a complete moron? Or did you decide to screw me over? I hope it's the former... for your own sake.", | ||||
quest_smugglers_2_1_1_Cable_greeting | "Hey, mate, I just found a great job for you, but there were some problems because of the whiskey you delivered earlier. I have to get out of here as soon as possible! Do me a favor take me to {Quest}'NileSTAR'{/Quest}! I will pay you well.", | "Hey, mate, I just found a great job for you, but there were some problems because of the whiskey you delivered earlier. I have to get out of here as soon as possible! Do me a favor and take me to {Quest}'NileSTAR'{/Quest}! I will pay you well.", | ||||
quest_smugglers_2_1_Cable_quest_completed | "I'm inside! Let's go to {Quest}NileStar Research{/Quest}. I have some good friends there.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_2_2_Cable_quest_completed | "Attention! A dangerous fugitive has been sighted on Raglor. Nickname {Quest}Cable{/Quest}. Anyone caught aiding and abetting this criminal will be considered a criminal themselves.", | "Attention! A dangerous fugitive has been sighted on Raglor. He is known by the name of {Quest}Cable{/Quest}. Anyone caught assisting this criminal will be considered a criminal themselves.", | ||||
quest_smugglers_2_3_Cable_ME_yes | "What the hell have you done?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_2_3_Cable_ME_no | "And what should we do now?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_2_3_Cable_NPC_yes | "It's nothing personal. Anyone else could have been in your place. Landing here would be a bad idea. Let's go to {Quest}Orient-RESEARCH{/Quest}. There should not be any problems. Or security.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_2_3_Cable_NPC_no | "I am glad you understand. Now let's go to {Quest}Orient-RESEACH{/Quest}.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_2_3_Cable_failed | "ATTENTION! The criminal {Quest}Cable{/Quest} has been sighted with an accomplice. Orders - immediate termination! Do not let them go!", | "ATTENTION! The criminal {Quest}Cable{/Quest} has been sighted with an accomplice. They are to be subject to immediate termination! Do not let them go!", | ||||
quest_smugglers_2_3_Cable_failed_1 | "Seems like one survived... it's the accomplice! Oh yeah, of course you didn't know who he was.... Ok, well your black box proves that, I guess. But you did engage in smuggling and you will be fined {Quest}20 000 credits{/Quest}.", | "Looks like one of them survived... it's the accomplice! Oh wait, of course you didn't know who he was.... Well, data from your black box proved that. But you did engage in smuggling and for that you will be fined {Quest}20 000 credits{/Quest}.", | ||||
quest_smugglers_2_3_Cable_quest_completed | "Phew, we made it. So, how do you like it on the other side of the law? Not that you have much of choice now... Work with me and get rich, or Raglor becomes your grave. If not me then the police will kill you.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_1_Cable_greeting | "There is a job for you take the cargo at {Quest}Drill Site N{/Quest} and deliver it {Quest}here{/Quest}.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_1_Cable_ME_yes | "What kind of cargo? Why do we need it?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_1_Cable_ME_no | "OK", | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_1_Cable_NPC_yes | "I rented a place here but have not yet furnished it. We don't even have beds! Here is a job for you take the equipment at {Quest}Drill Site N{/Quest} and bring it here. Oh yeah, the cargo is {Quest}really heavy.{/Quest}", | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_2_Cable__completed | "Did Cable send you? The cargo is on the loading platform.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_2_Cable_ME_yes | "What about documents and payment?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_2_Cable_ME_no | "OK", | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_2_Cable_NPC_yes | "Are you kidding me? No signatures or contracts that would leave a paper trail! Is this your first time? Time to lose your virginity! Okay, load the cargo and get the hell out of here.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_2_Cable_NPC_no | "Nice. Let's move | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_3_Cable_quest_completed | "Why did it take you so long? It's so boring here... At least now we have some stuff to do. But first, here is your money.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_3_3_Cable_quest_failed | "Where the hell are you? Was it too hard to get it done? If you sold the stuff somewhere you're not gonna get any money... And you will sleep on the floor!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_1_1_Cable_greeting | "Life just got better. Now it's time to think about security. My friend will provide us with a device that hides everything from locators, radars or whatever. Pick it up from {Quest}M&T Corp{/Quest}. And don't screw up!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_1_2_Cable_greeting | "Even though you are a moron, I don't have another associate. Plus, I cannot leave the asylum, but the work must be done. Fly to {Quest}M& Corp{/Quest} and deliver a special cargo. No more mistakes, got it? It is your last chance!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_2_Cable_ME_yes | "What kind of device is it?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_2_Cable_ME_no | "OK", | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_2_Cable_NPC_yes | "I have to warn you - this crap somehow affects the devices nearby, including your ship. For example, it might affect your {Quest}navigation{/Quest}. And be careful | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_2_Cable_NPC_no | "I have to warn you - this crap somehow affects the devices nearby, including your ship. For example, it might affect your {Quest}navigation{/Quest}. And be careful it's a {Quest}fragile{/Quest} cargo, any damage might cause an explosion!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_2_Cable_quest_completed | "Just in time! The cops are preparing a raid | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_2_Cable_quest_failed_1 | "* Shooting and strange noises *", | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_2_Cable_quest_failed_2 | "Trevor Bakinski. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Take him away. And what the hell is that?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_4_2_Cable_quest_failed_3 | "* connection breaking up *", | |||||
quest_smugglers_5_1_Cable__greeting | "I have a job for you. Go to {Quest}NileStar{/Quest} and bring the {Quest}passenger{/Quest} here. And do not ditch him, otherwise, I will destroy you.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_5_1_Cable_ME_yes | "Who is it? Why is he so important?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_5_1_Cable_ME_no | "Alright.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_5_1_Cable_NPC_yes | "Another suicide bomber will join our squad. His name is Hydam, he is an expert in ... sensitive issues. Go and get him. Move, move, move!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_5_1_Cable_quest_completed | "I'm inside, brother. We can move. No questions or conversations yet. Let's talk when we reach {Quest}Orient-RESEARCH{/Quest}.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_5_2_Cable_quest_failed | "Hydam? HYDAM! ... You killed him you bastard! {Quest}Hydam{/Quest} was a key person in our operations. He was my comrade!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_5_2_Cable_quest_completed | "Welcome, Hydam! Good to see you, especially now. Join our suicide squad. Cap, money for your services is in your account. Come back after {Quest}some time{/Quest}, Hydam will be your boss from now on.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_6_1_Cable_greeting | "You need to find and deliver some {Quest}special material{/Quest}. {Quest}Search area{/Quest} has been uploaded to your navigation computer.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_6_1_Cable_ME_yes | "Special? What is special about it? And what's it for us?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_6_1_Cable_ME_no | "You got it.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_6_1_Cable_NPC_yes | "I am a bomb expert. There is one profitable but risky little job. But, details later, brother. Your task is {Quest}to find{/Quest} and deliver {Quest}material{/Quest} here. And not to ask stupid questions. Get going!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_6_1_Cable_quest_completed | "A {Quest}highly toxic mineral{/Quest} has been detected. Loading on board may have some negative consequences. Be extremely careful, Captain.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_6_2_Cable_quest_completed | "Attention pilots a {Quest}cyclone{/Quest} is approaching the continent with with heavy rains and wind. Flying in the upper layers of the atmosphere is {Quest}not recommended{/Quest}. Thank you for your attention.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_6_3_Cable_quest_completed | "Is it done? Well done, brother. You survived in such a storm, and delivered the material. Come back later, I need to do something.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_6_3_Cable_quest_failed | "How long are you going to mess around out there? And where does Cable find such morons? Do not come back! And if you have betrayed us, we will find you. Understand?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_7_1_Cable_quest_greeting | "The moment of truth has come, brother. I made {Quest}a bomb{/Quest}, which you need to deliver to the base of our customer's competitors, {Quest}M&T Corp{/Quest}. Succeed and we all get rich. Fail, and you don't want to know... Good luck.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_7_1_Cable_quest_completed | "As I said, the bomb needs to be delivered within a time limit. The timer is set to 6 minutes. This should be enough for you to install the bomb and leave. And relax it’s lunchtime so there shouldn't be anyone there. Don't delay, brother.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_7_2_Cable_quest_completed | "Is the bomb in place, brother? Fine! Get out of there and wait for the fireworks!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_7_2_Cable_quest_failed | "Hey, you disappeared from the radar. Is everything alright?... Cable... No sign of life. He is dead.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_7_3_Cable_quest_completed | "Where is the explosion? Did you do everything right? Damn, the mechanism might be broken, or security found and disarmed it... Ok, bro, let's go back.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_1_Cable_greeting | "I haven't seen you for a long time, Cap. There is a deal to pick up people from {Quest}Drill Site N{/Quest} and bring them here.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_1_Cable_ME_yes | "And what's the matter? Who are these people?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_1_Cable_ME_no | "Sure.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_1_Cable_NPC_yes | "Seems like Hydam's idea failed... It's my turn now. We do this the hard way - an armed assault. My boys are arriving at {Quest}Drill Site N{/Quest}, straight off a flight from Earth. \r\nYour task is to meet them and {Quest}bring them here{/Quest}. Hurry up.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_2_Cable_completed | "Cap, I no longer see any more signs of life in the area. Either they got out on their own or they are already dead. Come back to {Quest}base{/Quest}.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_3_1_Cable_completed | "All of them are gone? Not good. Seems like we have to put our plans on hold. For now. See ya later, Cap.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_3_2_Cable_completed | "Not everyone survived. If the cops killed them we will definitely pay them back, but for now we have a mission. We don't have enough guys. I will try to find some desperate people here on Raglor. In the meantime, get ready, Cap. The end is close.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_3_3_Cable_completed | "Did you manage to save all of them? Great! You all, get ready for departure. We can't afford to waste any time.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_special_Cable_greeting | "ATTENTION! Engine overheating! Go to the {Quest}nearest hangar{/Quest} as soon as possible!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_special_Cable_ME_yes | "Request diagnostics.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_special_Cable_ME_no | "It sounds too dangerous...", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_special_Cable_NPC_yes | "Estimated cause of problem - sabotage, external influence, most likely an explosive device. {Quest}200 seconds{/Quest} until critical engine overheat.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_special_Cable_NPC_yes | "Estimated cause of problem - superheated volcanic dust. {Quest}200 sec.{/Quest} until critical engine overheat.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_special_сompleted | "I underestimated you! Yes, I tried to kill you, but it's just business. Don't mention our little joint venture, or I will track you down. See ya!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_8_special_failed | "HEAT LEVEL CRITICAL! SYSTEM MALFUNCTION! ERROR 321LE-4", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_1_Cable_greeting | "It's time! {Quest}Deliver{/Quest} my crew to {Quest}M&T Corp{/Quest}.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_1_Cable_ME_yes | "What's the plan?", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_1_Cable_ME_no | "Let's do it.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_1_Cable_NPC_yes | "So, we finally have enough fighters. Your task is to take the soldiers, pick up the {Quest}container{/Quest} with weapons and ammunition, and drop the guys off at {Quest}M&T Corp{/Quest}. They will take care of the rest. Don't screw up, Cap, I'm counting on you.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_2_Cable_completed | "Ok, guys, the armor store is open, take anything you want. Does everyone have a gun? Cap, {Quest}drop us off{/Quest} at the location and don't forget to destroy the evidence.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_2_Cable_failed | "The connection was lost. Radar shows the ship crashed and everyone died... Hey, what's going on? Answer me!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_3_Cable_completed | "Let's do this, guys! Cap, you can go. It's going to get real hot around here. Do not forget to get rid of the evidence. Deliver the box {Quest}here{/Quest} where no one will find it. Once it's done, you will get your money.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_3_Cable_failed | "An interesting way to get rid of evidence... destroy it along with your own ship. But nothing you do surprises me anymore. Here is your money. See ya around, Cap!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_3_Cable_greeting | "My scanners show that you are almost there.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_3_Cable_ME_yes | "An active volcano? Are you crazy?!", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_3_Cable_ME_no | "A volcano? No problem, I can deal with it.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_3_Cable_NPC_yes | "Don't worry! Make sure the weather is good, get as high as possible, wait for the release signal and then fly through and drop the cargo. That's it | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_3_Cable_NPC_no | "What a great attitude! I like it! Get rid of the load and the money is yours.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_9_4_Cable_completed | "It's done. It was nice working with you, Cap. Come over time to time, I might find a job for you. Oh yes, the reward. Don't waste it. See ya!", | |||||
Container_Smugglers_Alcobox | "Unusual cargo", | |||||
Container_Smugglers_Housing_Kit | "Container with goods", | |||||
Container_Smugglers_Stealth_Device | "Container with device", | |||||
Container_Smugglers_Toxic_Mineral | "Unusual cargo", | |||||
Container_Smugglers_Toxic_Bomb | "Explosive cargo", | |||||
Container_Smugglers_Weapons | "Weapon cache", | |||||
Smuggler_Jonathan | "Jonathan", | |||||
Smuggler_Cable | "Cable", | |||||
Smuggler_Haydam | "Hydam", | |||||
Security_Captain | "Security officer", | |||||
Smuggler_Mercenary_1 | "Soldier of fortune", | |||||
Smuggler_Mercenary_2 | "Soldier of fortune", | |||||
Smuggler_Mercenary_3 | "Soldier of fortune", | |||||
Smuggler_Mercenary_1_1 | "Soldier of fortune", | |||||
Smuggler_Mercenary_2_1 | "Soldier of fortune", | |||||
Smuggler_Mercenary_3_1 | "Soldier of fortune", | |||||
Smugglers_Stealth_Device | "Container with the device", | |||||
Smugglers_Housing_Kit | "Container with goods", | |||||
Smugglers_Alcobox | "Smuggled alcohol", | |||||
Smugglers_Toxic_Mineral | "Mineral", | |||||
Smugglers_Toxic_Bomb | "Explosive container", | |||||
Smugglers_Weapons | "Weapon cache", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Alcobox_Deliver_Here | "Destination", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Housing_Kit_Deliver_Here | "Destination", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Stealth_Device_Deliver_Here | "Destination", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Toxic_Mineral_Deliver_Here | "Destination", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Toxic_Bomb_Deliver_Here | "Destination", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Weapons_Deliver_Here | "Get rid of evidence", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Pickup_Cable | "Pick up Cable", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Pickup_Haydam | "Pick up a passenger", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Deliver_Haydam | "Destination", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Pickup_Mercenaries | "Pick up a passenger", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Deliver_Mercenaries | "Disembark passengers", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Pickup_Mercenaries_NPE | "Pick up a passenger", | |||||
Marktext_Smugglers_Deliver_Mercenary_Assault | "Disembark passenger", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Cable_TakeMe_Bad | "{Say}Oh, who do I see? You have balls to come here again. Ok, let's forget about it. I need to leave this place. As soon as possible. I will pay you well. {/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Cable_TakeMePlease | "{Say}Cap, don't be a dick! It's five minutes away. the easiest money in your career. Deal? {/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Cable_OpenCargoIn | "{Say}Open up, it's cold out here! {System}[IVT_Ship_Cargo_OpenClose]{/System} Let's move!{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Haydam_TakeMe | "{Say}I understand that Cable sent you. Open the hatch, it's time to move out.{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Haydam_TakeMePlease | "{Say}Bro, I'm starting to get nervous. Let's move before the security guards suspect something.{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Haydam_OpenCargoIn | "{Say}Bro, I'm starting to get nervous. Let's move before the security guards suspect something.{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_1_TakeMe | "{Say}Hey! Finally, someone's here! Help me, I'm here in the gorge. Damn, seems like a pair of ribs is broken. {/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_1_TakeMePlease | "{Say}Hey, I need help! Please help!{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_1_OpenCargoIn | "{Say}Man, I'm bleeding here. Open the hold. Help me! {/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_1_Abroad | "Greydzen is on a board.", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_2_TakeMe | "{Say}I had already begun to lose hope. Are you from Cable? Some shit happened, I barely managed to eject the rescue capsule, and then lost consciousness... And then I woke up here! {/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_2_TakeMePlease | "{Say}So, are we going? Hurry up! My friends might still be alive, and they need our help!{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_2_OpenCargoIn | "{Say}Seems like you forgot to open the hold.{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_2_WrongCity | "{Say}Are we here to refuel? If I'm not mistaken, Cable is waiting for us on Orient lab", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_2_Abroad | "Stikson is on board.", | |||||
HUD_Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_2_Abroad | "Stikson is on board.", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_3_TakeMe | "{Say}*heavy wheeze* Help, please...{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_3_TakeMePlease | "{Say}Hey .. I need help{/ Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_3_OpenCargoIn | "{Say}Open ... the hatch ... *coughs up blood*{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_3_Abroad | "Glenbr is on the board.", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_3_1_TakeMe | "{Say}The guys are ready to move! We are waiting on you, Captain.{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_3_1_TakeMePlease | "{Say}You done? The mine won't capture itself! We have a job to do.{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_3_1_OpenCargoIn | "{Say}You done? The mine won't capture itself! We have a job to do.{/Say}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_3_1_WrongCity | "{Say}Arrived? Captain, this is not the mine... Stop screwing around, alright? {/Say}", | |||||
GUI_HangarWindow_UpgradeParam_WaterResistance | "Water resistance", | |||||
GUI_HangarWindow_UpgradeParam_SkyRadiationResistance | "Radiation resistance {VALUE}", | |||||
GUI_HangarWindow_UpgradeParam_DustParticleResistance | "Dust resistance {VALUE}", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Cable_FlightComplete | "We made it. So, how does it feel to be on the other side of the law? Not that you have much of choice... Work with me and get rich, or Raglor becomes your grave. If I don't kill you, the police will.", | |||||
Smuggler_Cable_TakeMe_Good | "Hey, man. I just found a great job for you, but there were some problems because of the whisky you delivered. I have to get out of here as soon as possible. Do me a favor, take me to {Quest}'NileSTAR'{/Quest}! I will pay you well.", | |||||
quest_smugglers_2_3_Cable_greeting_2 | "Do not fool around. We are now on the same side. If you land, they will kill us both.", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Cable_Abroad | "Take Cable to the destination point", | |||||
HUD_Passenger_Smuggler_Cable_Abroad | "Take Cable to the destination point", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Haydam_Abroad | "Orient-RESEARCH PZ", | |||||
HUD_Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_1_Abroad | "Greydzhen on board", | |||||
HUD_Passenger_Smuggler_Mercenary_3_Abroad | "Glenumber on board", | |||||
HUD_Passenger_Smuggler_Haydam_Abroad | "Orient-RESEARCH PZ", | |||||
Ship_AI | "Ship AI", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Haydam_WrongCity | "{Say}Bro, Cable is not here. Apparently, you mixed up the destination. Or do you suggest that I get out?{/Say}", | |||||
quest_smugglers_2_2_1_Cable_greeting | "Who do I see? You have balls to come here again. Actually, you are right on time. I need to leave this place now. Take me to {Quest}'Nilestar'{/Quest}. I will pay you well.", | |||||
Passenger_Smuggler_Cable_WrongCity | "{Say}This is the wrong place.{/Say}", | |||||
Cable_Talker | "Cable", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_invite | "Hey, have you seen this strange man on the Security Base?\r\nYep, he tried to offer me some job.\r\nSounded like easy money.", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_1_1 | "Did you enjoy last night?\r\nYes, it was wonderful. The sky was romantic and the wine so tasty.", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_1_2 | "It was nice. Remember when we got that drunk last time?\r\nSay \"Thank you\" to me and my suppliers.\r\nOnly if you promise to bring more stuff and for free next time. Ok, I'm kidding...", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_2_1 | "Well, well, the cops inspected the hold for the third time today.\r\nIt seems like they are getting more suspicious lately.", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_3_1 | "Did anyone notice some lout in laboratory storage?\r\nI think I know who you're talking about. I never saw him before recently.\r\nHe screamed at me when I asked him what he was doing there. Asshole!", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_4_1 | "This is Chris Audrey from Dagger Squad, no sign of the criminals in the area.\r\nRoger that. He vanished like he never existed.\r\nDamn! Well, we'll get 'em next time...", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_4_2 | "Guys, is everything ok with your radio and navigation?\r\nWhat? I don't know what you mean.\r\nYes, it knocks sometimes. He is not the first one who has had such problems.", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_5_1 | "Another successful trip. Passengers easy, profitable and fun!\r\nHmm, i don't know Stive. I've met such garbage people.\r\nDon't be so antisocial, Sean!\r\nGet bent!", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_6_1 | "Mmmm great, such shitty weather. And what am I supposed to do? Sit tight and do nothing?\r\nSounds reasonable. Or you can try to fly low under it. But if you crash, I never said it!\r\nHmm, with my skills... but I might have to try it one time...", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_6_2 | "Finally some light. It felt like this storm would last forever!\r\nHave you heard about this crazy man in the north? He flew between the rocks. I prefer to weather the weather, haha!\r\nOr someone stupid could...", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_7_1 | "And what is it?\r\nIf they knew, we would not be asked to take it from there.\r\nWhy me? Let's flip a coin.\r\nSorry man.", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_8_1 | "Hey guys, have you seen it? A spacecraft exploded in the upper atmosphere, fragments scattered all over Raglor!\r\nWhat?!\r\nYeah, it was a huge disaster. I hope someone survived...", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_8_2 | "What was that? This doesn't happen every day.\r\nAnything might happen. Technical failure, human error...\r\nMaybe someone shot them down.\r\nAre you crazy? It was a passenger transport. There were no valuable goods.", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_9_1 | "Guys, what the hell? I brought some cargo to the mine, but they wouldn't let me sell it. And they wouldn't tell me why!\r\nYes, I heard that something strange is happening there.\r\nThey didn't even allow me to refuel. What should I do now?", | |||||
Radio_Dialog_Pilots_Smugglers_9_2 | "What is going on with the price of ore? I had to refuse an order.\r\nYep, it's skyrocketed. Seems like the corporations are playing shadow games.\r\nLosers! I made a lot of money off of that deal. And bought a new ship!\r\nAsshole!", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Captain_2_yes_1 | "Sounds scary and very unusual. Although, some pilots complained about strange animal sounds on the radio. Have a nice day.\r\n*Step away* Sergeant! Take a squad and check R2J18 sector. Move, move!", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Captain_2_no_1 | "Well, nice! Fewer problems, less headache. Have a good flight.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Baz_2_2_failed | "Captain, security has reported to me that the cargo is still at the station. Next time, at least let me know if you decide to fly away.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Baz_2_failed | "Captain, we lost your signal. Are you alright? Captain?", | |||||
quest_main_ending_2_aliens | "Captain, intercepted atypical signal! Signal source unknown. Running the audio file.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Baz_3_greeting | "Captain, this is Frank. This is the last time I'll ask you for help, I promise. We need building materials. You already know the details.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Baz_3_completed | "Thank you, Captain! You helped us to finish the project on time.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Eric_4_1_greeting | "Hello, Captain! I haven't seen you for a long time. Frank asked me to get a special item... So, I managed it! Please pick it up from the {Quest}Borey{/Quest}.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Eric_4_1_completed | "Nice, you have the cargo! Deliver it to Big Crater. It is very urgent, no time for paperwork.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_4_2_completed | "Captain, glad to see you! Sorry, I was busy, there is such a commotion .. It seems we are finally launching our object!", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_4_2_failed | "Damn it, Captain! Why did it take so long? Cargo should have been delivered a long time ago! Wh...\r\n* Disconnected *", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_4_2_ME_yes | "Hey. I have your package here.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_4_2_ME_no | "Ok. I will not distract you.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_4_2_NPC_yes | "What? What are you talking about? I did not order anything. Very suspicious ... Okay, unload it somewhere and we'll figure it out later. Nobody has time right now.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_4_2_NPC_no | "Thank you. Choose a better place and get ready. Something's gonna happen now.", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_4_3_completed | "{Say}*Interference, barely audible*\r\nCaptain, is the cargo in place? Ca..\r\n* Disconnected *{/Say}", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_4_4_greeting | "Cap, what the hell are you still doing there? Do not disrupt our launch fly away to a safe distance, please!", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_4_4_completed | "Fine. Seatbelt. Focus your attention on the object!", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_5_invite_greeting | "Captain, this is Frank. {Quest}Come to the Big Crater{/Quest}, we are launching our project! You did alot to make this happen. Hurry up!", | |||||
quest_main_ending_Frank_5_invite_completed | "Oh, hey. Get comfortable, we're about to launch this thing. And make sure that you are far enough away!", | |||||
Container_Quest_Main_Ending_Emitter | "Strange Emitter", | |||||
Container_Quest_Main_Ending_Armored_Cargo | "Emitter with insulating casing", | |||||
Container_Quest_Main_Strange_box | "Container with unknown cargo", | |||||
Head_Engineer_Baz | "Chief Engineer Bazz Dokuchaev", | "Chief Engineer Baz Dokuchaev", | ||||
Unknown_Source | "Unknown", | |||||
Ship_Assistant_Scarab_descr | "The voice interface of the Scarab - AI assistant. Informs about ship malfunctions and provides environmental data", | |||||
Ship_Assistant_Ox_descr | "The voice interface of the Oxv-4 - AI assistant. Informs about ship malfunctions and provides environmental data", | |||||
Ship_Assistant_Ballena_descr | "The voice interface of the Ballena - AI assistant. Informs about ship malfunctions and provides environmental data", | |||||
Ship_Assistant_Capsule_descr | "The voice interface of the rescue capsule - AI assistant. Informs about ship malfunctions and provides environmental data", | |||||
GUI_ControlsMenu_Action_Ship_PitchTrimmerPlus | "Increase trim tabs angle - {ivt}[IVT_Ship_PitchTrimmerPlus]{/ivt}", | |||||
GUI_ControlsMenu_Action_Ship_PitchTrimmerMinus | "Decrease trim tabs angle - {ivt}[IVT_Ship_PitchTrimmerMinus]{/ivt}", | |||||
GUI_ControlsMenu_Action_Ship_PitchTrimmerReset | "Reset trim tabs angle - {ivt}[IVT_Ship_PitchTrimmerReset]{/ivt}", | |||||
GUI_ControlsMenu_Action_Ship_PitchTrimmerAxis | "Trims tabs angle", | |||||
GUI_ControlsMenu_Action_Ship_PitchTrimmerAxis+ | " ", | |||||
GUI_ControlsMenu_Action_Ship_PitchTrimmerAxis- | " ", | |||||
UI_Aggregate_PitchTrimming | "{btnY} Manual trim tabs are active {/btnY}", | |||||
UI_Aggregate_PitchAutoTrimming | "{ivt}[IVT_Ship_ToggleAutoTrimmer]{/ivt}Auto trim tabs are {btnA}active{/btnA}", | |||||
UI_Aggregate_PitchAutoTrimmingOff | " {ivt}[IVT_Ship_ToggleAutoTrimmer]{/ivt} Auto trim tabs are {Orange}inactive{/Orange}", | |||||
UI_Aggregate_EnablePitchAutoTrimming | "Enable auto trim tabs", | |||||
UI_Aggregate_DisablePitchAutoTrimming | "Disable auto trim tabs", |