Frontier Pilot Simulator Wiki
Frontier Pilot Simulator Wiki

To add a new item to the game, we will create a new addon, create the necessary game data and load the addon on Steam. Creating an item add-on and uploading it to Steam is completely the same as to create and described a new task.

Creating game data of the item

As an example, we do the following: Create the product "Fastfood colonial special rations" (let's call it product_components_fastfood). Let it be similar to conventional item, but more fragile and with a higher reward for transportation.

Add it to the sale list on the bases of Spaceport Astlan-1 (bases_spaceport) and to purchase list on a neighboring bases - Central (bases_colony_center) and Nord (bases_colony_nord). The base names can be found in the List of bases.

Create Item The item descriptions are located in the World \ Products folder (for details, see Product Descriptions). To add a new item we need to create these folders in the data of our add-on and add a file with an arbitrary name containing our item.

1. Press the "Open" button in the Steamwork Mods Tools to open the location of the add-on game data.

2. Create a "World" folder there then the "Item" folder in it, and ExampleQuest.json file in "Item" Folder


3. Add the following content to the created file:


       "Name": "product_components_fastfood",
       "MaterialName": "mat_fragility_medium",
       "Icon": "GUI/Icons/Products/Food_Icon",
       "CargoBoxName": "Container_Food_Small",   
       "PriceValue": 1700,
       "MassValue": 1250,
       "MaxHPoints": 1000,
       "TransportCost": 400


As an example, we will add text messages only in English. 1. Create the "Localization" folder in the add-on, the "English" folder in it, and ExampleLocalization.json file in the "English" folder


2. Add the following contents to the created file: {

   "product_components_fastfood": "Fastfood colonial special rations",


Add the sale/purchase of this item

The description of the goods list (bought/sold) by the bases are located in the World \ WorldDescr folder (more in the Database Descriptions). To add information about a new item, we need to create these folders in the add-on data and add a file with the name corresponding to the mask and containing our task.

1. Create the "World" folder in the add-ons, the "WorldDescrs" folder in it, and the CityProducts.json in WorldDescrs" folder.


2. Add the following content to the created file: [

       "Name": "bases_spaceport",
       "SellingProducts": [
               "Name": "product_components_fastfood",
               "CreateAtOnce": true,
       "Name": "bases_colony_center",
       "BuyingProducts": [
               "Name": "product_components_fastfood",
       "Name": "bases_colony_nord",
       "BuyingProducts": [
               "Name": "product_components_fastfood",


Result On this addon is ready. You can run the game and make sure that the (sales and purchases) item on corresponding bases appeared. After verification, you can publish it on Steam and make it available to other players.

Product descriptions are downloaded from the "* .json" files located in the "World \ Products" folder. Each file loads an array of descriptions, so the file can contain one or more descriptions.